November 3, 2019

Who has bewitched you?

Passage: Galatians 2:19-3:14
Service Type:

Bible Text: Galatians 2:19-3:14 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction

Focusing on 3:1-5

Paul is burdened for the Churches in Galatia

We have burdens

As Christians we live with great joy

Sorrowful yet rejoicing

He had the care of all the Churches on his heart

Examples – inc the Judeisers
Paul preached that the gospel was by faith, not by doing the works of the law

God intended inward circumcision (of the heart)
The Christian gospel is about inward faith and the heart – not about external religious

Not Christ plus, but only Jesus Christ

The response to Paul

They initially treated Paul like an angel (4:14) and would have given him their eyes to help his visual problem (4:15)
They changed to treat Paul as an enemy (4:16)

Paul is so burdened for the people that he has a short introduction to this book and gets straight to his message – 1:6-7

Are we burdened for those around us?

Paul is so burdened he uses strong language

3:1 – O foolish Galatians

How would we respond if a pastor said this to us?

3:1 – who has bewitched you?

Paul’s questions are designed to make the people think

Do we really think, consider and meditate?
Think about your beginnings?
What does implications does this have for your ongoing life?
Think of the ongoing miracles


Their Beginnings
Their Ongoing Life
The Super Natural element of Christianity

Their Beginnings (v1-2)

Paul went on a long journey from Cyprus to Perga in Pamphylia to Antioch Pisidia

He preached a powerful message
He referenced the Old Testament
He preached Christ risen and resurrected from the dead
He preached faith in Jesus Christ

Paul continued his journey and went to Iconium

He preached the Holy Spirit and not the works of the law

How did you begin your Christian life?

Are you a Christian?
Do you remember how you came to faith?
Was it about you?
Was it about faith alone in Christ?
Do you know that you are in Christ? – examples

Paul was clear on how he began his Christian life

2:19 – he died to the law
2:20 – Christ lives in him

Cry out to Jesus today  – He will not turn you away

Their Ongoing Life (v3-4)

If you have begun in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit
Colossians – If you have begun in the Lord Jesus, continue in Him
A Christian is accepted through what Christ has done, not what he does

About faith in Jesus Christ
Not about performance
We are fully accepted in Christ – we cannot ever be more accepted
We must not go back to the law

Quote from Paul
Quote from Spurgeon and example of a life of faith
Not about doing away with the Ten Commandments or conformity to the law – we are to live in the Spirit, we will be made perfect in the Spirit

We are not to boast

Gal 6:14

Example of Blondin walking across the Niagara Falls

v4 – a warning

Hebrews – ‘be very careful’
Paul is not doubting their salvation

He is railing against false teachers
We have false teachers today

Paul reasons with the people

The Super Natural element of Christianity (v5)

Example of the miracle cure of the crippled man in Lystra

By the power of the Holy Spirit
Not to do with the works of the law

Miracles to confirm the truth of the word of God

Paul urges them to consider their experience [of God’s miracles]

We can look at revival

Closing Remarks

Beware of false teachers
Christianity is about knowing Christ
Be confirmed to Christ’s death but know His resurrection life
Live in the Spirit
Live by faith