Old Llantrisant Hill
- Different words for preaching
- Including didactic preaching
- Reading Acts 15:36-41
- The church of Jesus Christ has come under pressure
- Physical persecution - an attack from without
- An attack from within - from Satan
- Trying to make a division between Jew and Gentile
- Another attack
- Paul's desire is to return to the churches they established
- A significant disagreement - they end up going different ways
- Title: 'when good men disagree'
- Never once has God disagreed within Himself
- Humans are fallen
- Who was right / What are the causes
- God overruled in the situation
- Consider the relationship between Paul and Barnabas
- Christian experience shows that good men and very good men will disagree
- We should not be surprised at this
- A sad fact of human nature
- Questions:
- The authority of apostleship
- The nature of the disagreement - a person: John Mark
- The question of who is right
- Overview:
- Factors that may have led to division between them
- God's purpose in it all
Factors that may have led to division between them
- Both very godly men dedicated to the cause of Jesus Christ
- Barnabas:
- Warm, empathetic, encouraging, inclusive
- Son of encouragement
- He believed in Saul
- He brought him up
- Because of him Paul had the right hand of fellowship
- A man full of faith and the Holy Spirit
- Happy for Paul to take the leading role
- Paul:
- Warm, tender
- Strong, principles, a clear leader, withstood people to their face, bold preacher
- Stood up to the authorities
- Was the disagreement due to a personality clash? [no]
- Barnabas was inclusive
- John Mark had failed in the past
- He needed a second opportunity
- Time to be involved in the work of the gospel
- Paul may have thought
- He put his hand to the plow but turned back
- Not mature enough yet
- Not up to it
- May be a liability
- Do we know our strengths and weaknesses?
- Be careful about stubbornness and lack of understanding
- Be careful about being weak, over generous and naive
- Be balanced
Family Connections
- John Mark was Barnabas' cousin
- We know how family connections can distort things
- A very difficult thing to conclude
- God uses family
- The disciples
- Several families in churches
- We must always following biblical principles
Readiness to Serve
- A difference in opinion
- Paul:
- May be concerned that John Mark might suffer
- Not a moral failure but a personal one - not loyal, a desertion that could of hurt
- Bitterness towards John Mark (very unlikely)
- Barnabas:
- Maybe an assistant and he will assist us again
- Maybe a reminder of Peter and others who have been restored
- Conjecture:
- No facts
- Not easy to make conclusions
- Paul not bitter towards John Mark
- No division in the church
Fallible Sinners
- We are all sinners - we should not put anyone on a pedestal
God's purpose in it all
- God overruled in the situation of Joseph
- God overrules in this situation
- Barnabas takes John Mark to Cyprus
- A new missionary team
- Example
- Sometimes separation is better than people continue at loggerheads
- v38
- Quote from Charles Spurgeon
- Paul and Silas
- Visited Galatia
- Silas - a roman Jew
- Barnabas and John Mark
- God's providence is working overall