February 7, 2021

When God works, Satan opposes

Passage: Luke 11:14-23
Service Type:


When God is at work, so is satan

There will always be opposition following conversion
The church might go through a challenge

There is a battle in the heavens (satan opposing God), which we cannot see

We can see the world’s doubt and scorn

For example – that Christian’s are not real, been duped, become religious or even gullible

For example – most people think Christianity is irrelevant, the cause of many problems, that the Bible is unbelievable

Here the Lord Jesus has performed a wonderful miracle

Casting out a demon of muteness

There are different types of demons described in the Bible

Imagine if you woke up and suddenly could not speak

Jesus casts out the demon causing muteness

Immeadiately evil words are being spoken about Jesus

A lie – Christ’s marvellous work is attributed to Satan

Satan is involved in undoing all that is good and calling it evil

Others tested Jesus and wanted to see a sign (having just seen a miracle)
Satan is seeking to oppose Christ, but He counteracts all that satan says

The Response of Jesus Christ
He does not let the situation go unchallenged

Jesus exposes conversation and thoughts He has not physically heard

He knows people’s hearts
He knows when His ministry and the Church is attacked
He is able to protect His people

Jesus shows the folly of the slanderous attack against Him

v17-18 – How can satan cast out demons – it is a fallacious argument

We must ask for the wisdom of God

To show falsehoods for what they are
Division brings ruin

v19 – Others were casting out demons (including disciples and the pharisees)

Jesus asks what power they used

v20 – It is by God’s power

Jesus was made manifest
20th Century – we accept evil but not the personification of evil (i.e. the devil)

The devil is not the caricatured figure with horns and a pitchfork
The bible teaches he is a fallen angel
The bible teaches the devil blinds the eyes of those who do not believe

Done in the power of the Holy Spirit – Acts 10:38


What is the connection between the previous passage on prayer and this passage?

The Holy Spirit

v13 – ask for the Holy Spirit
Jesus did all in the power of the Holy Spirit – examples
Jesus heals a man in the power of the Holy Spirit
He encourages His disciples that they need to be filled with the Holy Spirit – so that they (and we) can do all the things that God calls us to do

That Jesus has all power

He can save from the worst cases
This should encourage us to pray
We need to pray for God to be at work in our community to save people

When God works, we must expect opposition, which may be due to the devil

The devil is a strong man – but Christ is stronger

Some demons can only come out with prayer and fasting

The devil is an accuser of the brethren

To cast aspersions on Christians

Example of Paul and Elijah
Example of Jesus

1 Cor 4:3 – God is our judge

Personal example
We stand in the grace of Christ
We must have a good conscience before God and men

We must be careful not to have a judgment spirit

If we are not with Jesus, we are against Him

We cannot be neutral, we cannot sit on the fence
We must side with Jesus
Quote from JC Ryle

Closing Remarks

Be for Jesus