When God Tests
- Growing older is not easy
- Examples
- There are many blessings
- Respect
- Lev 19:32
- Timothy was to respect older men and women
- Grey hair is the splendor of old age
- As you grow old there are dangers and blessings
- Examples: (inc Noah, Moses, Hezekiah)
- Ecc 7:10 - there can be a tendency to cynicism/nostalgia
- Ex 17:7 - "Is the LORD among us or not?"
- A danger for both young and old alike
- The Israelites doubted God
- Overview:
- The evidence that God was with them
- The problem was unbelief
- The solution is to remember who God is
The evidence that God was with them
- The people had obeyed God but they felt God was not with them
- God led them by a pillar of cloud at day and fire at night
- God had opened the red sea, all their enemies had been destroyed
- 15:22 - just three days later their attitude had changed
- They were complaining because the water was bitter (15:24)
- God changed the bitter water to sweet water
- God led them to a place of 70 palm trees and 12 wells (15:27)
- God leads them to the Wilderness of Sin and their food runs out
- They were complaining again (16:3)
- They looked back to Egypt's food and forgot their slavery
- They were doubting God
- God provides bread (manna) from heaven
- They want meat also - so God gives quail from heaven
- God gives every evidence of Himself to Israel
- One more trial (chapter 17)
- God was testing them
- They fail the test asking "Is the LORD among us or not?"
- They blame God (and others)
- They were not trusting in the living God
The problem was unbelief
- Do not harden your hearts
- The people came to the worst conclusions (v3)
- When God is testing us, we must wait upon Him
- Psalm 106
- Do we see what God is doing? (106:7)
- Are we thankful for what God has done for us? (106:7)
- They had forgotten who God was (106:13)
- Explanation
- They did not wait upon/for God counsel (106:17)
- Do we listen to God
- The people became very angry
- They were ready to stone Moses (v4)
- Anger can be expressed in different ways
- Do not test God - Psalm 95:8
- God's people can harden their hearts
- Due to unbelief
- 1 Cor 10:9-12
- A commentary
- Do not be like these people who tempted God
The solution is to remember who God is
- Remember who God is
- God vindicated His servant (v5)
- We have the Word of God - which is our sole authority
- We are to fear and reverence Him
- Psalm 78:15, 16, 20
- God would bring streams and rivers, gushing and overflowing from the rock
- Psalm 81:16
- He would have brought honey from the rock
- 1 Cor 10:4
- They drank of the Spiritual rock - Jesus Christ
- Whether you are young or old, look to the Rock in times of testing and temptation
- Remember all of God's promises
- Exceedingly, abundantly, above what we can think
- Do not become cynical
- Do not despise the day of small things
- Praise God
Closing Remarks