Old Llantrisant Hill
- As people grow older they start to think about their inheritance
- 2 Cor 12:14
- It is a loving responsibility
- 1 Tim 5
- This week looking at v13-21
- The parable of the rich fool
- Warnings about the love of money, covetousness, living for self, not living for God
- The bible places spiritual blessings above material gain
- v34
- 1 Tim 6:17
- To be rich is not inherently bad
- Give to those who have need
- v31
- Prioritise God and spiritual matters first
- Let God provide for your material needs
- Example from Scripture
- Be not anxious
- Examples of those in need
- Searching questions:
- Do your thoughts run after material things rather than God?
- Do you enjoy material things more than God?
- Do you enjoy a holiday more than a prayer meeting?
- What is your attitude to loss?
- If you came into a fortune how would you use it?
- This passage should make us think about these questions
- Further questions:
- Would you resent your parents going into a care home and using up the inheritance?
- If churches disclosed tithes - would you be ashamed?
- Giving should be free and voluntary - from the heart
- Do we have a light hold on money?
- "You cannot serve God and mammon"
- Overview:
- The Context
- The Content
- The Challenge
The Context
- Jesus has been teaching the disciples about persecution
- Encouragement in v6
- Fear God not man
- A person from the crowd interrupts
- This person has not been listening to what Jesus has said
- Have you been like that when you come to church?
- He has a personal concern over the family inheritance
- He feels there is only one course - go to Jesus for advice
- Jesus' reply:
- v14 - Is it a bit harsh?
- Jesus did not come to sort out financial/family matters - there were people for that
- His task was to preach the Gospel of good news
- Yet Jesus could see this man's heart and could see he had a problem with covetousness
- An interruption by a man that is consumed with personal matters
- This was not the only thing/teaching gave that day
- An encouragement to read the Bible in chunks
The Content
- Very straight forward
- Some say this passage deals directly with retirement
- It certainly gives us food for thought as we plan for the future
- This man is planning for the future
- He has an excess – v17-19
- How many times does 'I' or 'my' appear?
- He is not concerned with others - he is selfish
- A materialist and hedonist
- God's rebuke
- v20-21
- The day of judgment - renders material possessions pointless
- A man's life does not consist in the abundance of things he posses
- That God would help us to love Him and to love others
The Challenge
- We have had lots of challenges
- What do you value most in life?
- Have things become more important than people?
- Have you trampled over people?
- Have things become more important than God?
- Example of squabble over an inheritance
- How do you spend your money?
- Do you indulge yourself?
- Do we freely give?
- Prov 21:26, Ecc 5:10
- What would people from poorer nations say about us?
- What is your attitude to wealth creation?
- Preaching of Bishop Latimer
- 1 Tim 6:7-10
- Paul gave examples of those who walked away from the faith
- Do you act as though you can control your own destiny?
- Example
- Our life is not our own
- Some have tried to preserve their lives
Closing Remarks
- In the end - what matters is your response to the Lord Jesus
- Is He Lord of your life?
- Explanation of Jesus Christ
- Have you bowed to Him?
- Have you trusted in Him?
- Jesus welcomes all to Him
- Trust in Jesus for your salvation