Walking in the Spirit
Bible Text: Proverbs 26:12-27:2, Galatians 5:22-6:5 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction
Looking at Gal 5:24-6:5
Remember the Galatian churches were troubled by legalists
They were causing divisions amongst the churches
They were enforcing outward tradition
There was a lot of biting and devouring of each other
The root of the problem was human pride
Our way is right, your way is wrong
The deeds of the flesh – not living in the Spirit
Other examples of carnality – Corinthians
Paul wants to remind them there is a better way, walk in the spirit – 5:16 & 5:25
Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Fully evident in the life of Jesus Christ
The Starting Point (5:24)
The Ongoing Life (5:25)
Life in Community (5:26-6:2)
Self Assessment (6:3-6)
The Starting Point (5:24)
A glorious truth – we belong to Jesus Christ
We have been made a child of God
A death blow to our sinful nature
He died in our place
Christ lives in us
Interpreted in two ways
Minority opinion – The person crucifying the flesh
Majority opinion – What God has done in Christ for us
The two hold together
cf. Gal 2:20, Rom 6:4-6
The starting point is Christ – past tense
Can you say this has happened to you?
The Ongoing Life (5:25)
We have begun in the Spirit (Gal 3:3) – are we now going to continue in the flesh?
No we continue in the Spirit
Living in the Spirit – the root, walking in the Spirit is the fruit
Daily reliance on God – examples
Not something mystical – obedience to God’s word
Prayer, communion, dependence
God is concerned with the heart of man (the legalists were only concerned with the external matters)
The ongoing life – walking in the Spirit
Life in Community (5:26-6:2)
5:26 – how not to live in community and 6:1-2 – how to live in community
We are not individuals but part of the body of Christ
Many “one another” statements in the New Testament
e.g. 5:26, 5:13
Looking out for one another
Helping one another
The opposite of 5:26
6:1 – A brother or sister overtaken by a strong temptation
Those who are spiritual – any believer walking in the Spirit
Restore in a spirit of gentleness
Not rebuke, not put down, not harshness
Public rebuke is someone who is stubborn and unrepentant
This is for the person who has fallen and is repentant
Consider your own weakness
The desire to build up our brethren
cf. Matthew 18
To restore our brethren
‘Unlimited’ forgiveness
To desire the restoration of all believers
6:2 – Bearing each others burdens
Greek word burden – meaning a heavy weight
Come alongside the person, love them, understand them, give them hope
The burden of bereavement – examples
The burden of failed exam – give hope
The burden of family problems – come along side
The burden of finances – give
The burden of ill health
We may have limits but we are to go the ‘second mile’
James refers to this as the law of liberty and the royal law
As part of a body, bearing burdens and upholding people
Self Assessment (6:3-6)
Self-assessment is required in the physical world – it is needed also in the spiritual world
Not to others, but in relation to God and the word of God
A true assessment compared to God’s Holy standards
Prov 3:7 – fear God and depart from evil
Rom 12:3 – think seriously about yourself
Life in the Spirit is a humble life
Bear your own burdens, not other people’s burden
A different Greek word for burden – your backpack, your kit
Sometimes we expect too much from others – example
You cannot bear someone elses’ burden – example of unsaved family
Closing Remarks