Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at Gal 5:24-6:5
- Remember the Galatian churches were troubled by legalists
- Explanation
- They were causing divisions amongst the churches
- They were enforcing outward tradition
- There was a lot of biting and devouring of each other
- The root of the problem was human pride
- Our way is right, your way is wrong
- Envy
- 5:26
- The deeds of the flesh - not living in the Spirit
- Other examples of carnality - Corinthians
- Paul wants to remind them there is a better way, walk in the spirit - 5:16 & 5:25
- Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
- Fully evident in the life of Jesus Christ
- 4:19
- Overview:
- The Starting Point (5:24)
- The Ongoing Life (5:25)
- Life in Community (5:26-6:2)
- Self Assessment (6:3-6)
The Starting Point (5:24)
- A glorious truth - we belong to Jesus Christ
- We have been made a child of God
- A death blow to our sinful nature
- He died in our place
- Christ lives in us
- Interpreted in two ways
- Minority opinion - The person crucifying the flesh
- Majority opinion - What God has done in Christ for us
- The two hold together
- cf. Gal 2:20, Rom 6:4-6
- The starting point is Christ - past tense
- Can you say this has happened to you?
The Ongoing Life (5:25)
- We have begun in the Spirit (Gal 3:3) - are we now going to continue in the flesh?
- No we continue in the Spirit
- 5:25
- Living in the Spirit - the root, walking in the Spirit is the fruit
- Daily reliance on God - examples
- Not something mystical - obedience to God's word
- Prayer, communion, dependence
- God is concerned with the heart of man (the legalists were only concerned with the external matters)
- The ongoing life - walking in the Spirit
Life in Community (5:26-6:2)
- 5:26 - how not to live in community and 6:1-2 – how to live in community
- We are not individuals but part of the body of Christ
- Many "one another" statements in the New Testament
- Looking out for one another
- Helping one another
- The opposite of 5:26
- 6:1 - A brother or sister overtaken by a strong temptation
- Those who are spiritual - any believer walking in the Spirit
- Restore in a spirit of gentleness
- Not rebuke, not put down, not harshness
- Public rebuke is someone who is stubborn and unrepentant
- This is for the person who has fallen and is repentant
- Consider your own weakness
- The desire to build up our brethren
- cf. Matthew 18
- To restore our brethren
- 'Unlimited' forgiveness
- To desire the restoration of all believers
- 6:2 - Bearing each others burdens
- Greek word burden - meaning a heavy weight
- Come alongside the person, love them, understand them, give them hope
- The burden of bereavement - examples
- The burden of failed exam - give hope
- The burden of family problems - come along side
- The burden of finances - give
- The burden of ill health
- We may have limits but we are to go the 'second mile'
- James refers to this as the law of liberty and the royal law
- As part of a body, bearing burdens and upholding people
Self Assessment (6:3-6)
- Self-assessment is required in the physical world - it is needed also in the spiritual world
- Not to others, but in relation to God and the word of God
- A true assessment compared to God's Holy standards
- Prov 3:7 - fear God and depart from evil
- Rom 12:3 - think seriously about yourself
- Life in the Spirit is a humble life
- Bear your own burdens, not other people's burden
- A different Greek word for burden - your backpack, your kit
- Sometimes we expect too much from others - example
- You cannot bear someone elses' burden - example of unsaved family
Closing Remarks