The Holy Spirit
Looking at the Upper Room Discourse – 3 sermons on Jesus teaching His disciples
He knew that He would die – yet He was concerned about His disciples
He speaks a lot about the Holy Spirit
Jesus says He was deeply troubled for His disciples
We need comfort
The Comforter would come – the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit
Perhaps a neglected person of the Trinity
The Holy Spirit’s work is not to speak of Himself but to magnify Jesus Christ
It is a background, silent and secret work
John 16:14 and 15:26
The Holy Spirit gives testimony and speaks of Jesus Christ
To silently convict sinners of sin
Speaking to a person’s heart
To prick their conscience
It may be a temporary or permanent conviction that leads to salvation
He comforts saints
We are children of the living God
Metaphors for the Holy Spirit
Dove – gentle, bringing peace
Wind – silent and unseen, yet powerful
Fire – purging and purifying
Water – life giving/refreshing water
His Person
His Work
His Person
He is more than a force
Groups often deny the deity and person-hood of Jesus
At Pentecost: the Holy Spirit came down in power – there were usual events
He teaches, He comforts, He guides
He can be grieved
The Bible is clear – He is a person, He is God
God is eternal and uncreated
2 Cor 3:17
Acts 5:3-4 – a lie against the Holy Spirit is a lie against God
The third person of the Holy Trinity: one God but three (distinct) Persons
Equal in essence
Each immutable and eternal
‘The Grace’
We ought to adore and honour Him
His Work
Regeneration, sanctification, service
An operation of the Holy Spirit in a person’s soul
Bringing a dead soul to life
Being ‘born again’
Usually using the word of God (James, 1 Peter)
Conviction of sin (16:8)
Acts 1 – the preaching of the Peter
The people were cut to the heart
No longer crying out crucify but crying out for salvation
3’000 were baptised
The worst sin – unbelief, it is the root of all other sins
Conviction of righteousness – pointing us towards Jesus
Conviction of judgment
The soul is stirred, ‘how can I get right with God’
A one-off work at the beginning of a believer’s life
Sanctification is a process
You become a new creature in Jesus Christ
Your heart of stone is changed for a heart of flesh
People in the Old Testament – the Holy Spirit is not a new doctrine
Deut 36, Rom 2 – circumcision of the heart
The faith of Abraham
Ezk 36, Jer 31 – laws being written on our hearts
A new way of giving the Holy Spirit – John 7:37-39
He had not yet been given in a full and manifest way
Not the presence of God in His temple – the Church becomes the temple of the living God
John 14:16-17
Members of the Church were temples of the Holy Spirit
We enter the kingdom of God through the new birth of the Holy Spirit
Have you experienced this?
Are you born again?
If you believe in Jesus Christ – you have been born again
New birth, then faith and repentance and then sanctification
The Holy Spirit making you holy – like Jesus
We are to work out salvation – we are to rely on the graces of God
It is God who works in us
Ezk 36, Jer 31 – laws being written on our hearts – the Holy Spirit conforming us to the will and commandments of God
To keep the Ten Commandments and the royal law of love
We are to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He corrects and checks us
Gal 5
We are called to walk in the Spirit not the flesh
We should know the fruits of the Spirit – examples
Living a life like Jesus
Keeping in step with the Spirit
Jesus commanded His disciples to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit
It would enable them to boldly preach the word of God
People that were previously timid and fearful
We do not need to be gifted people – we need to depend upon the Holy Spirit
Paul encouraged Timothy to stir up the gift within him
Have we been trusting in ourselves rather than God?
The Holy Spirit gives power, but joy and blessing
Rom 15:13 – joy, peace and hope
Paul prayed the Ephesians would know the fullness of the love of God
Luke 11:13 – ask God for the Holy Spirit
He will give you the Spirit
Closing Remarks