To whom will you give glory?
Have you ever been asked ‘Where is your God?’
How do you respond when people ask this question?
Ps 115 is a response to this question
v1 – the Psalmist calls on God to show His glory
v3 – the Psalmist confirms his confidence in God
v4-8 – a contrast between false religion and true religion
v9-18 – the Psalmist shows the truth of God
This is one of the Hallel Psalms
They remembered that God was their helper and deliverer
They remembered that God was there shield – with cloud by day and pillar of fire by night
They were declaring who He was today
Giving God the Glory (v1-3)
This weekend we have been honouring the Queen – but we do not idolise her or raise her above God
Today people give glory to humankind
We are not to lift people above God
Was God honoured in the Jubilee events of last night?
Living in Brazil – people honoured God – examples
“Not unto us” – repeated twice to ensure that the glory only goes to God
We need to honour and hallow His name
How do we live our life?
Do we think about our own achievements?
Do we give thanks for God’s blessing in our lives?
Do you think about what you have done?
Do you think yourself a sinner upon whom God has bestowed His gracious love?
v2 – The Psalmist is calling for God to glorify Himself
To see His mercy and truth
Example of abortion in the United States
Example of John Bunyan
We need to pray that God would glorify His name
v3 – The Queen’s freedom is restricted, she cannot do as she pleases
Our God is in heaven and no-one can tell Him what to do or frustrate His plans
Yes there is a curse of death because of the fall, but God is working out His purposes
A Declaration against Idols (v4-8)
Reading v4-8
Would it be insulting to say this to someone who bows before a statue?
The Psalmist says is futile
The Psalmist says those who do so become like them
They become foolish
They are spiritually dead
Strong words that are needed to bring people to their senses
Think about the statues we have today – yet they are just statues
They are empty
Jesus talked about those who ‘saw but could not see’ – speaking to the Jews, yet they did not have idols
This applies not just to statues
This applies to materialism and money
Money and power are often controlling – examples
There are many ‘idols’ – anything that drives you or controls you apart from God
What drives and control you?
Do you desire to honour God and give Him the glory?
A call to trust in the Lord and promise of blessing (v9-14)
The Psalmist repeats the call to trust in God – three times (v9-11)
To trust Him fully
The Israelites were saved by faith alone – not in works
We are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ
If you ask God for forgiveness, then you become a Christian and are on your way to heaven
All who trust – will be saved
v12 – God has been mindful of us
He has blessed us
Our trust in God involves obedience
If you want to know the blessing of God in your life – trust Him and keep His commandments
Christians are blessed with every spiritual blessing – examples
Our eternity is secure – we look forward to heaven
v14 – The Psalmist asks God to increase His blessings
v16 – Although everything is the Lord’s – He has given us the earth
The Psalmist ends in triumph
Closing Remarks