Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at Joseph
- Overview to date
- A picture of Jesus Christ
- Joseph’s brothers bowing down before again
- Once before and twice again
- Fulfilment of the dreams 20-21 years previously
- Pointing us again to Jesus Christ
- A communion service
- A symbolic meal
- Remembering Christ’s body and blood given for us at Calvary
- Communion is for unworthy sinners
- We can come into the presence of God through Christ’s work on the cross
- We will see men who felt unworthy
- Had heavy consciences
- They felt God was punishing them
- Joseph freely welcomes them and provides them a feast
- From severe famine … to feasting
- From fear to favour and blessing
- This reminds us of Christ who welcomes us to His table
- Signs of change in Joseph’s brothers
- Joseph needed to be sure there were signs of repentance
- 43:8 – Judah
- No jealously over Benjamin but care for him
- It takes time for people to change
- Overview:
- Going down to Egypt
- Their Arrival in Egypt
- In the Egyptian’s/Joseph’s Home
Going down to Egypt
- The brothers:
- Coming with presents and double money
- They are frightened
- Joseph makes a decision when he sees Benjamin
- ‘They must come to my house’
- v18 – They were afraid and filled with fear
- They need to face their fears
- They were fearing the worse (yet the best was to come to them)
- Jesus commanded to trust in God
- ‘The end of a thing is better than the beginning’ – Proverbs
- The just shall live by faith – Romans 1:17
Their Arrival in Egypt
- The hold back at the door
- v19-21 – the brothers tell the truth
- v22 – they do not blame anyone
- They do not make any false allegations
- The answer from the Steward (who must have been privy to Joseph’s plans)
- Do not be afraid
- God has given you the treasure
- Remember how Joseph witnessed
- To Potiphar … Gen 41:38
- To this steward
- How the brothers must have been relieved
- God can surprise us in wonderful ways
- God can sometime us non-Christians
- The power of prayer
- Jacob had been praying (43:14)
- Meeting with our other churches
- Example of answered prayers
- When down and full of fear, God may change and bless our situation
In the Egyptian’s/Joseph’s Home
- They have come with gifts and bow down
- They are blessed in giving
- They receive water to wash the feet and feed for the donkeys (cf v18)
- We come empty handed to the communion table and receive
- We want to give our best in Christian service
- v29 – He weeps after seeing Benjamin
- This shows the tenderness of his heart
- This reminds us of Jesus Christ – meek and lowly in heart
- Joseph eats separately from the Egyptians and the brothers
- He sits them down in age order
- He gives Benjamin 5 times the portion
- The brothers are not jealous of this
- They are in the presence of one who really know them
- Jesus Christ knows us better than we know ourselves
- Jesus is willing to bless us
- Simeon gone from prison to the palace
- The brothers from fear to acceptance
- Meals in the middle east were very important
- Jesus desired to eat and fellowship the Passover with His disciples
- As we come to the communion table
- Repent and ask for forgiveness
- Remember our Saviour is willing to receive us