August 11, 2024

These are they that testify of Me

Passage: Genesis 40
Service Type:


Joseph is an extremely encouraging character

Sold as a slave
Yet Joseph did not seem to complain, but worked with such integrity he was entrusted will all Potiphar’s affairs
This was remarkable – Potiphar knew the Lord was with Joseph
Joseph must have testified of His Lord
Potiphar is blessed because of Joseph
Yet he preferred to believe the lies of his wife

Chapter 40 – the captain of the Guard was Potiphar

There seems to be a change in Joseph’s heart
He entrusts the two officials to Joseph – the chief butler and baker

God was blessing Joseph in prosperity and affliction

The keeper of the prison trusted Joseph – Gen 39:23
We need to follow Joseph’s example
We know it is still bleak for Joseph and he will be forgotten for another 2 years

A Communion Service – to find Christ in the Scriptures

We must be careful about spiritualising the Old Testament

This passage is not related to a Communion event
But some parallels


Joseph as a type of Christ
Joseph in the prison
A few brief applications

Joseph as a type of Christ

We are introduced to him as a 17 year old man with dreams and revelations

We see a power to interpret dreams

He has access to the mind of God (at times) – that God’s people will be saved

He resembles the Lord Jesus

Jesus passed on the message of the Father
Jesus is the wisdom of God
Jesus is the word of God made flesh

If we are a Christian – we have the mind of Christ

We can walk in His ways

Joseph’s dreams showed he would be a king – that his family would bow before him

This reminds us of Jesus – to whom every knee will bow

Many in confession of sin at the feet of the Lord Jesus [when He was alive]

Though ill-treated, yet God hand was upon him – destined to be a ruler over the people

His path to reign and power was wrought with humiliation

Joseph sent by his father – the beloved son

He was stripped of his robe
He was left for dead
He was betrayed for silver

This reminds us of Jesus

Jesus was not stripped of His robe but lays aside His majesty
Jesus was betrayed

God was with Joseph

God was with Jesus
He prospered and people were blessed because of Him

He was falsely accused

Yet victorious over temptation
He is thrown into prison with no fair trial or witnesses

This reminds us of Jesus

False charges and unjustly condemned to death

Joseph is pointing us towards Jesus

Do we reflect Jesus Christ?


Does our life point to Jesus Christ?

Joseph in the prison

The keeper of the prison saw that Joseph was innocent / Potiphar seems to have a change of mind (v4)

Joseph is always caring and thinking of others – he knows that he has done nothing wrong (v15)
Pilate recognised that Jesus had done nothing wrong but would not do anything about it

Potiphar was the same

The butler and baker

Two criminals – one restored and one condemned

Like Christ between the two thieves (on the cross)

We do not know the details – but God had put these two men there

Two important men – just like the captain of the guard
God was placing these connections – though Joseph did not know it

God gives Joseph the interpretation of the dreams

Joseph was a graceful and truthful man
The messenger of God

This again reminds us of Christ

A few brief applications

Exhortation only happens after humiliation

Jesus said the first will be last, the humbled exalted
Jesus came to serve others and give His life as a ransom for many

We are not to make comparisons with others

Joseph forgotten by his family, but God is prospering him

The need to sympathise with others

Are we sensitive to the needs of others?
Joseph was concerned for the prisoners (v7)
Jesus has such concern and compassion

God’s blessing was upon Joseph

It was all of grace
The Communion table is for sinners – those who have found the grace of God

We come because of what Christ has done for us
We come in gratitude and confession of sin
We come praising God that all is well because of what Christ has done

Just as God’s grace was upon Joseph