Old Llantrisant Hill
- There is always something we can learn about the birth stories of Jesus
- Example
- Matthew – speaking about Gentile wise men
- Luke – speaking about Jewish shepherds
- As Gentiles we need to be thankful that we have been grafted into the olive tree
- The gospel first to the Jews and to the Gentiles
- We have been brought into the family of God – all one in Christ (neither Jew nor Gentile)
- The Jews heard first (the shepherds), the Gentiles second (the wise men)
- We must remember the Jewish people in particular
- The gospel is not just for Jew or Gentile, but also the rich and the poor
- Looking at the Wise Men this morning
- Overview:
- The East
- Herod’s Court
- At Bethlehem
The East (v1-2)
- Reading 2:1
- Who were the wise men?
- It is hard to be definite
- Advisers to kings in Arabia or Babylon
- We read of wise men / magicians / astrologers in Daniel’s time in Nebuchadnezzar’s court
- Wealthy – they brought treasures and they sought the palace court
- Abraham worshipped at the altar
- The wise men would also worship
- They saw a star in the East
- "His star" (v2)
- This star was pointing them to Jesus Christ
- How do they know it was His star?
- Maybe a reference in Numbers
- Maybe a reference in Daniel
- Maybe they could interpret signs
- Divine revelation
- They rejoiced with exceedingly great joy when they saw the star the second time (v10)
- It did not move from East to West
- It appeared a second time – but Herod did not see this
- Ps 72:11 – "Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; All nations shall serve Him"
- There are over 300 prophecies over 2000 years fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ
- Micah 5:2 – being born in Bethlehem
- The fulfilment of all prophecy confirms the veracity/truth of Scripture
- What did they believe?
- He was the King of the Jews
- He was worthy of worship
- He was Divine – only God is worthy of worship
- Jesus was God in the flesh
- We celebrate Christmas as an act of worship
- It reminds us of the greatest miracle – that God became man
- We worship with the wise men
- What is your understanding of the Child in the manger?
- Humility
- That He was born and died King of the Jews
- King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Herod’s Court (v3-8)
- There were other ‘wise’ men in Herod’s court
- Scribes and chief priests – with access to the Scriptures
- They understood the Scriptures
- The place of Christ’s birth
- They had no faith and did not worship
- Yet the wise men with little or no Scripture worshipped
- Herod and Jerusalem were troubled
- Herod does not want a rival king
- Although some people were waiting for the Messiah (e.g. Simeon and Anna), the majority had no faith and wanted a quiet life
- Maybe they were troubled by Gentiles coming to a Jewish Messiah
- The Jews treated Gentiles very ill
- What is the reaction of many?
- Fear
- They may like some parts of Scripture but not others
- Herod is false (v8)
- Completely false – he has no desire at all to worship
- His only desire is to destroy Jesus
- He massacres all the baby boys under the age of 2
- He has a corrupt heart
- Humans have a tendency to lying, deceitfulness, failure to be honest and straightforward, covering things up, twisting things
- God overrules
- The ungodly scribes
- A wicked king
At Bethlehem (v9-12)
- The Royal City of David, the House of Bread
- David was from Bethlehem
- Here is David’s greater Son
- Christ is to be worshipped by kings, by wise men
- The star now goes before them
- God is a God of miracles
- Acts 16 – localised earthquake
- They "rejoiced with exceedingly great joy" (v10)
- God has promised to lead and guide us (in His word)
- They come into the house and fell down before the young Child
- They bring their treasures
- Gold – fit for a king
- Frankincense – fit for worship
- Myrrh – used to anoint bodies for burial
- Words from "We Three Kings"
- They proclaim this Child as God, one who will die and be raised on the third day
- Have you bowed the knee to Jesus?
- Have you seen that Jesus died for your sin?
- Have you repented of your sin?
- Is He your Lord and Saviour?
- Worship Him and crown Him Lord of all
- God warned them to return another way