Old Llantrisant Hill
- Did you wonder what the passage was about?
- Some parts of the Bible are easier to understand
- Some parts of the Bible are more difficult to understand
- Some ask if the passage is out of date?
- It is not out of date - it is bang up to date!
- It needs to be preached in many churches
- Example of survey results
- The church of Galatia had been infiltrated
- Many Jews had believed...
- ...but wanted to add Jewish tradition (e.g. circumcision and the Mosaic law)
- Not "faith plus"
- The Bible teaches "faith alone"
- Rom 3:6, 3:10 - we have all sinned and fallen short
- How can we be justified and made right in the sight of God?
- In the finished work of Christ
- By faith in Christ
- John 3:16
- The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
- Salvation is a free gift received in faith
- Faith
- Will produce good works
- Will result in a holy life
- Doctrinal section
- Chapter 1-2: Paul defending his position as an apostle
- Chapter 3: Reviews the Scriptures
- The Old Testament - Abraham believed God, consider Leviticus, Deut, Habbakuk
- There is only one message in the Bible
- Previously: 3:1-5 - a strong rebuke issued by Paul
- v1 - Who has bewitched you?
- v2 - How did your Christian life begin?
- v3-4 – How did they continue in their Christian life?
- v5 - How did the Holy Spirit work in their Christian life?
- Now: v6 - straight to the Scriptures
Not your background but faith (v6-9)
- v6 - The Jewish people placed great importance in their father Abraham
- They considered themselves the children of Abraham
- They were the children of God
- Paul points out that Abraham believed God
- He was initially a pagan man called from the Ur of the Chaldeans
- He believed God and went
- God made promises to Abraham
- Abraham wonder how this would be accomplished
- He had faith in God - 14 years before he was ever circumcised!
- Abraham was made right with God simply by faith
- People are made right with God by faith
- John 8:32-44
- Following your family religion or tradition - does not save
- v32 - The truth shall set you free
- v33 - They were offended are being told they were in bondage
- v34 - They were in bondage to sin
- v37 - They did not receive God's word
- v39 - They considered themselves Abraham's children and not God's children
- v41 - They cast aspersions on Jesus' birth
- v43 - They were not able to listen to His word
- Do you list to God's words?
- v44 - The devil was their father
- The Jews were holding onto their religion
- Christianity brings a gospel promise - believe in Jesus Christ and you shall be saved
- Simple
- Profound
- Have you believed?
- v7 - Only those who have faith are children of Abraham
- v8 - The Scriptures state the Gentiles will believe
- They 'preach'
- cf John 8:56 - Abraham saw the day of Christ
- Example at Mount Moriah
- v9 - Those who believe are of the worldwide Church
- Application: not about our background but our faith in Jesus Christ
- Not just a Christian ethic but trusting in Him
Not the deeds of the law but Christ (v10-14)
- Consider last weeks sermon [on the fall]
- v10 - All are guilty, all have sinned
- The law was given to show us how sinful we really are
- Yes, it would act as a restraint as well
- God requires perfection
- God's curse and hatred is toward sin
- If you break one area of the law, you break all the law
- v11 - Habbakuk - the just shall live by faith
- v13 - Jesus took our sin and curse to the cross ...
- v14 - that the blessing of Abraham and God may come upon us
- Application: faith alone
A certain promise (v15-18)
- We cannot trust politicians - examples
- We live in uncertain times
- Our health is uncertain - example
- We can trust God
- The covenant promises of God
- v15 - Consider man's binding covenants - consider God's binding covenants
- v16 - God promised Abraham
- There would be a single seed - Christ
- v17 - Christ
- This was the first promise
- This was the first covenant
- v18 - An inheritance in law, is not of promise
- But God gave inheritance by promise
- Example
- Application: we live in turbulent times but we can depend on Christ