The Strangest Reaction of All
Bible Text: John 6:22-42 | Preacher: Geoff Gobbett | Series: Visiting Preachers | Introduction
Looking at verse – v41
The Jews then murmured against Him because He said “I am the bread which came down from heaven”
How we react to a variety of circumstances is a telltale of the real you and me
Example of Job – to his loss
Example of Peter – to Jesus death (Mark 8:31:32)
Example of fellow believer
The reaction of the Jews
They had heard he was the bread of life
They murmured against him
This passage occurs after the feeding of the 5,000 (listed in all 4 gospels) – the Jews wanted a repeat of this show
The initially wanted to take Jesus by force and make Him king
Jesus withdrew
This was not Jesus’ plan
Yet the Jews sought him out again (v24-25)
It was encouraging that they were seeking Jesus
But they were not seeking Him truly or sincerely, with right motives
They were seeking Jesus with wrong motives
Personal Example
Jesus wants us to seek and find Him – but for the right reasons
The most damaging dishonesty is that of ourselves
Yet they murmured and grumbled against him
Why? – Because they never knew the living God
Their Diligence was aroused but not faith
They were committed in seeking Jesus
Jesus had previously sent the multitudes away but they returned
They followed Him to Capernaum
Crowds are not always good – personal example
They were not seeking Jesus for Himself
It can be a temptation for churches to do anything to get a crowd
Their curiosity was aroused but not faith
They had seen one miracle but one wasn’t enough
They had a taste for miracles
Personal example
Jesus is portrayed as the discerning and loving Saviour
Have you come to Him?
Their motives were aroused but not faith
Our reactions reveal our motives
A profound passage – 1 Chronicles 28:9
We pray to God – James 4:3
Are you seeking the Lord?
Make sure your motives are true
Do not murmur like the Jews
We all have hungry hearts
Jesus satisfies completely – v35
Famous musicians die
They often die early as they are trying to fill their soul with drugs and alcohol
Their carnal appetites were aroused but not faith
They wanted another miracle
They were still hungry
They said the Moses gave the bread from heaven
v32 – God gave the bread from heaven
People have starving souls
v35 – have you embraced these words and are you enjoying the benefits in your life?
Not to hunger and not to thirst
Will you come to Jesus?
Closing Remarks – “Your
reactions are showing”