The Spirit of the Gospel
Bible Text: Luke 9:46-56 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Luke’s Gospel | Introduction
Reading Luke 9:43-56
v43 – states “they were all amazed at the majesty of God”
Examples of the majesty of God
We marvel as God works in unbelievers
Common themes:
The weakness and sinfulness of the disciples
Not understanding – v22, 44
Disputing and arguing over who is the greatest – v46
Forbidding others to cast out demons – v49
Wanting to call fire down on the city – v54-56
Failure, sin, the limitations of the disciples
Looking at ourselves – examples
Yet the Lord did not give up on them
He chose them to be His ambassadors
He kept teaching and guiding them
What does the gospel say about greatness? (v46-48)
What does the gospel say about a spirit of generosity? (v49-50)
What does the gospel say about grace to undeserving sinners? (v51-56)
What does the gospel say about greatness? (v46-48)
Isn’t this petty?
Do we ever get caught up in rivalry and comparison?
Why did this arise?
We are not told
Is it because Peter, James and John were seen as being special?
Is it because Peter, James and John had an air of superiority?
Is it because the other disciples had failed to cast out the demon?
Jesus uses a visual aid of a child
In most cultures children are often over looked and under rated
They are not seen as important, make mistakes, are inexperienced and have a lot to learn
The disciples need to come down low
They were concerned with position
Jesus says it is about being humble and coming low
Whoever welcomes a child welcomes Jesus
Whoever welcomes the lowly welcomes Jesus
To enter the kingdom of heaven, the disciples need to become like little children
Greatness in the eyes of God:
Those who are humble
Those who are last
Those who associate with the lowly of the world
Those who recognise they are sinners and trust in grace alone
Not greatness as the world thinks – examples
Not about you but about others
Not about your ‘value’ conferred by status or association
Not about pride
Consider your heart:
How are we when we are over looked?
We are to be servants like Jesus Christ
What does the gospel say about a spirit of generosity? (v49-50)
Is v49 a self-confession or a bold proclamation?
Jesus reveals their actions were wrong and unwarranted
Because they were part of a different group – what they had done was wrong
Their minds affected by prejudice
The gospel is undeserved grace to all people – saved by grace alone
To ban someone because they are not part of your group is wrong
However, we must agree on the fundamentals of the gospel
We must not act on the basis of prejudice
We must not act on the basis of human pride
We must not allow sectarianism
Example of Jews and Gentiles
The gospel speaks of:
One body of Christ – the universal Church of God
It demands a generous spirit as God is a generous God
What does the gospel say about grace to undeserving sinners? (v51-56)
v51 – Jesus sets His face to go to the cross
Explanation of events
They did not want ‘to shake the dust of their feet’ but wanted to call down fire
They wanted judgment
They were remembering an incident involving Elijah
Jesus was clear about His teaching
John 3:17, 12:47
He has come into the world to seek and save the lost
Have you believed in Jesus Christ?
Jesus is offering grace and love to undeserving sinners
Will you accept?
Closing Remarks