The Power of Jesus
Bible Text: Luke 8:26-39 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Luke’s Gospel | Introduction
People could not understand why Jesus sat down with sinners
Jesus told 3 parables to teach His disciples and those who had criticised Him
This passage:
Another striking example of Jesus’ love
Think of the previous passage – how Jesus calmed a storm
As they get out of the boat a demon possessed man has an encounter with Jesus Christ
Jesus had come for this man
For the Jew reading this there is a lot to take offense at:
Jesus is going to a Gentile area – The Decapolis or the Gadarenes
The demoniac’s dwelling place is amongst the tombs
A significant story – in Matthew, Mark and Luke
The passage contrasts the power of satan vs the power of Christ
Brief explanation
A summary verse – John 10:10
Satan’s work is a destroying work, Christ’s work is to set the captive free
The work of the evil one
The greater work of Jesus Christ
Our response
The work of the evil one
Some might think this is ‘remote’
The work of the evil one is very real – examples
Also is ‘sophisticated’ societies
In New Testament days there were many cases of demon possession
Matthew – there were actually two demon possessed men
Mark and Luke – only focus on one, the one who was saved
Both are delivered from evil spirits
Only one was saved
Deliverance of spirits does not automatically mean conversion – Luke 11:24
The Jews had a ministry of deliverance from spirits – only Christ can truly set them free
Satan’s work is to keep people in darkness – in sin
We must take responsibility for our own sin
Satan blinds people to sin – examples
How do we respond to this darkness, just like in the area of the Gadarenes?
Through the work of missions – Christ, the converted demoniac
Shine the light in the darkness
Bring the truth of the gospel
The demoniac – naked and degraded
Personal example
Nudity in today’s society
He was deranged, including his personality: the spirits spoke through him
A danger to society
No self-control (v29)
He once had a family
What a terrible existence – yet Christ has come for him
Consider the homeless, those with mental ill-health
What caused this man to become so?
Terrible example of Jim Jones – a terrible work of satan
Yet the whole passage shows the Lordship of Christ
The greater work of Jesus Christ
Is the demoniac drawn by Jesus or driven by the spirits?
Either way he came directly to the feet of Jesus
How did the disciples feel?
Jesus was in perfect control
The demoniac knew he was under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ (v28)
The demons are fearful
Jesus commands the demons come out of the man
They were allowed to go into the pigs
The pigs behave madly and drown – another work of satan
A visual sign of the power of Christ
A human being is worth more than an animal
(Though the bible teaches to look after and care for animals)
The results (v35):
Clothed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, in his right mind
Luke 4:18
Our response
How do we look today? – Jesus knows the real state of our heart
Are we still in the chains of sin?
The man is sent back to his house – he tells the whole city
Are we telling others of what Christ has done for us?
The message of the gospel is to return to Christ
Find joy and peace in Him
Do not continue in sin
He has died and risen for you
Christ has come to make people new
Just like the demoniac – explanation