The Power and Wisdom of God
- Comparing man's wisdom with God's wisdom
- Man's wisdom can bring catastrophic problems
- Examples
- Modern man likes to think it can solve economic and moral problems
- History does not prove this
- The solution to man's moral problem does not lie with the world
- No human being can solve the problem of the soul
- The answer is only found in Jesus Christ
- A comparison between the wisdom of man and Jesus Christ
- Paul is writing to the Corinthians as they had a tendency to elevate human wisdom
- Paul brings them back to the gospel - which is the only message that saves sinners
- It is the only message that can change the destiny of humans
- The message of the gospel can transform society by transforming individuals
- Disunity within the church
- Groups has polarised around certain men
- Paul did not come in himself
- Paul had an extremely capable mind - 2:1
- Paul's focus was the simple gospel message - 2:2
- Paul came in weakness and trembling - 2:3
- Paul's preaching was in the Spirit's power - 2:4
- That the people would see there faith was in God
- 13:1-2 – The main thing in Christianity is a spirit of love
- "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal."
- "
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
- 8:1-2 – it is love that builds up, not knowledge
- "Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies."
- "And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know."
- Is there a danger of elevating man rather than God in our theological courses?
- Is there a danger of moving away from the teaching of the bible?
- God destroys such teaching
- v20 - such teaching empties churches and makes them weak
- Churches must stand together in the gospel - not just be ecumenical
- Is there a danger of becoming seeker friendly?
- Example
- Is there a danger of thinking we can bring the power of God about ourselves?
- Example
- All these - say that the gospel is not enough
- v18-25
- The foolishness of man's attempt to transform society by its own methods (v18)
- Why do we try to change those who are perishing?
- 1 Cor 2:14 - "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
- The natural man cannot understand the things of God (without the Spirit)
- It is the Spirit of God who will convince through the preaching of the gospel
- They will always be dissatisfied
- Do not follow the foolishness of the world (v19-20)
- To those who are being saved - it is the power of God
- v19 (from Isa 29:14)
- God will destroy the wisdom of the wise
- God sees and knows
- v20 - examples
- The gospel is the power of God
- The message preached (v21)
- It is through the preached gospel that people are saved
- Comparisons (v22-24)
- Jews want a sign/miracles / Greeks want wisdom
- The Jews found the gospel a stumbling block / The Greeks called it foolish
- We get the same comparisons today
- To the called - it is power and wisdom of God
- Let him who glories - glory in the Lord
- The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men
- The gospel is the wisdom of God
- We must not move away from the gospel
- We must preach the gospel