Old Llantrisant Hill
- v18
- Isaiah lived 650 years BC
- Yet it could be written about our nation today
- The nation of Israel has departed from the faith – the whole land is in disarray
- There are still a few true believers – v9
- Chastisement and judgment had come – but the people were not listening (v5)
- Quote from secular journalist
- Sins are listed: examples
- Even murder
- There hearts were far from God
- Bad news – but then we come to v18
- A summary of the gospel
- God’s mercy is suprising
- Overview – what does it tell us about God?
- The Patience of God
- The Understanding of God
- The Mercy of God
The Patience of God
- "Let us reason together"
- This speaks of the patience and long suffering of God
- How many opportunities has God given to us?
- Let us talk together – but they were not listening to God
- v3
- Do we live our lives as if God did not exist?
- Worse than animals – even they know the farmer that feeds them
- Acts 17:28
- 2 King 5 – Example of Naaman
- Be reasonable – God is giving you a wonderful opportunity
- God is a patient God
- Think about the Holy God
- God gives us a chance to think about this before it is too late
The Understanding of God
- We often do not know our own situation – God knows it
- God knows our problem
- The people did not understand
- The people were not aware of their sins
- We have all failed God, wandered from Him and gone our own away (Isa 53:6)
- Our sins are like scarlet – we can never get rid of the stain of sin
- Jer 2:22, Ps 51:5
- Example of John Suchet
- Have you asked the question?
- God knows
- John 2:24-25
- The Lord Jesus Christ knows everything about us
- Example of Hagar
- Encouraging and frightening
The Mercy of God
- The deep sins of scarlet/crimson will be as white as snow / like wool
- You can know sins forgiven and peace with God
- God is concerned about our cleanliness – our holiness
- There is only way – the way of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Your sins can be taken away – like snow, like wool
- Example of snow
- When God looks at us, He sees we are clean
- The wonderful mercy of God
- He offers us mercy, because He loves us
- Isa 53:5 – all our sins placed on Christ
- The Son was punished in our place
- We are washed white as snow
- Example of ‘Swap Shop’
- Christ takes our sin and give us His righteous sinless life
- How do we obtain this?
- Confess you sin, ask Christ for forgiveness and receive it
- It lasts forever
- 1 John 1:9
- Are you white as snow?
Closing Remarks
- Finishing with a story
- Do you see the point?
- Are you own windows clean?
- Has God washed you clean?
- Confess your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved
Closing Prayer