Old Llantrisant Hill
- Introduction to the parable
- Recap of previous parables
- Parable of the talents
- Identifying who is the true and false believer
- Scripture is clear that there is a separation
- Overview:
- He will come again (v31)
- He will separate the peoples (v32-33)
- He will reward or punish according to works (v34-36)
He will come again (v31)
- His second coming will not be like His first coming
- Evey eye will see Him
- He will be glorified in all His power and majesty
- Jesus is in the middle of His mount of olives discourse
- He will come again:
- 24:30-31
- 24:44
- The dead will rise (like Lazarus)
- The Parable of the Ten Virgins
- The Parable of the Talents
- Many scoff or mock at His coming
- Rev 1:7 - all will see Him
- Thess - He will come with a shout
- The elements will pass away and there will be a new heaven and a new earth - Rev 6:14-17
- There will be fear and dread, but not for the Church
He will separate the peoples (v32-33)
- Not separating one nation from another
- Going amongst the nations
- The sheep are separated from the goats (the believer from the non-believer)
- One will be taken and one left
- Left and right hand:
- The sheep is the symbol of the Christian
- The goat is a symbol of unbelievers
- The right hand is a symbol of blessing, honour and inheritance
- Are you looking forward to this inheritance?
He will reward or punish according to works (v34-36)
- Rev
- Rewards are in the realm of work
- Not salvation by works - this is a contradiction to the whole of Scripture
- Those who are saved are those who are blessed by the Father
- Explanation
- The proof of their salvation is their works
- We identify believers by seeing holiness in their lives (e.g. v35-36)
- v35-45
- The spirit of the Christian is humble
- The works are done for the love of God
- The unbeliever is oblivious
- Works not just confined to the brethren
- v41
- No worse words to hear
- These words do not compare to any rejection in this life
- Everlasting and eternal - the Greek words are the same
- Everlasting punishment (for those who reject Christ) but eternal life (for those who love Christ)
- Everlasting punishment - an awful place to be
- If you are a non-Christian: think very carefully
- These words of warning are given in love
- Have you believed in Christ?