The new replaces the old
- It must be terrible to be religious - with no certainty of heaven
- As Christians we have an assurance
- Joy unspeakable will fill our souls
- If Jesus was to walk the streets today - who would He call to Himself?
- He came to call sinners
- His actions surprised many
- Tax collectors and publicians were hated
- v27 - Jesus called Levi the tax collector
- The pharisees couldn't stomach this
- Do we feel some people are beyond the grace of God?
- Levi left all and followed Jesus
- He called Jesus to his home and He ate with sinners and tax collectors
- The pharisees were indignant in this
- Looking at a contrast this morning:
- A joyful, generous and gracious religion
- A joyless, judgmental and legalistic religion
- Complainers don't much have the spirit of God in them
- Complaining about Jesus
- Jesus uses imagery to talk about a relationship with God
- Concentrating on v33-39
- Overview
- A Critical Insinuation (v33)
- A Corrective Answer (v34-35)
- To Clarifying Analogies (v35-39)
A Critical Insinuation (v33)
- Jesus answer to the pharisees' question wasn't enough (v31-32)
- How is it that our religion is rigorous and strict?
- (The pharisees and John's disciples would fast, have set hours of prayer)
- Some of John's disciples were falling into a form of legalism
- They couldn't understand why Jesus' disciples were not following their customs, traditions and collective wisdom
- They though Jesus' disciples were having an easy ride
- There was an insinuation that Jesus and His disciples weren't really holy
- Jesus taught His disciples to pray
- He hadn't yet taught them to fast
- The pharisees and some of John's disciples believed religion was about following strict rules
- Outward observance / external appearance
- It was all an outward sham - God saw their true hearts
- They were a joyless people - their religion was all about rules and regulations - man's laws
- Their greatest sin was pride - looking down on others and judging motives
- We must pray that we are not like the pharisees
A Corrective Answer (v34-35)
- Jesus response
- He would often challenge with a question
- He often called people to analyse their own hearts
- He would often reply in parables
- He refers to Himself as a bridegroom
- This is an analogy that was not in the Old Testament, so they might not have understood
- He stated He was the bridegroom
- Jesus could have explained the rules about fasting (that it was only required on the day of Yom Kippur)
- Jesus replied that it was the time of feasting, dance, joy and merriment - since this was the time of the bridegroom
- Consider the recent healing of the paralysed man - there was joy (v26)
- Had not the Angel said "Glad tidings of joy to all people"
- Do you think that Christianity is about joyless religion and rules or the life of the Spirit, knowing forgiveness and having a relationship with God?
- What is your religion?
- What is your view of Christianity?
- He makes a veiled reference to His death (the taking away of the bridegroom)
- Then the disciples would fast
- Since this time there has been periods of fasting - times and seasons
To Clarifying Analogies (v35-39)
- Jesus is speaking of the old compatibility of Jewish religion with the new gospel of grace
- He uses the analogy of clothes - you cannot patch up a works based religion with a gospel of religion
- Explanation
- Jesus was not coming to reform the religion but replace it
- Not the Ten Commandments
- Come to replace a works based religion
- Abraham was saved by grace
- Others in the Old Testament were not saved by works but by faith in the Messiah
- No man can be justified by the works of the law or please God in the flesh
- Their old mindset needed to be done away with
- What about today?
- Do you think that you will be accepted by a Holy God because of our (little) effort?
- We need Jesus as our Saviour and Lord
- We can never 'add-on' Jesus Christ to our old religious ways
- He uses the analogy of wineskins
- Explanation
- The gospel is diametrically opposed to Jewish legalism
- The gospel is about the free gift of God in Jesus Christ
- A works based religion is about us trying, that we have some kind of potential/merit
- The gospel tells smashes this way of thinking
- Others try other things
- Example of Catholicism, the 7th Day Adventist, Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons
- It is faith only - you can not 'add on' Jesus
- You cannot have Jesus and your own foolish ways?
- Are you trusting only in Jesus Christ?
- If not, you need a new heart and a new mindset
- There is a vast difference between man made religion and the gospel of Jesus Christ
Closing Remarks