The Nature of God
Time and opportunity to remember how far God has brought you
- David has just been told certain things by God (via Nathan)
- David is dumbfounded after he hears what God had done for him and what God will still do for him
- David is amazed at the amount of energy God will invest into his life
God's Care
- v1-7
- David has a nice palace (and lives in peace) but the ark of God dwells in tents
- David thinks that a temple should be built for the dwelling place of God
- Nathan encourages David in this
- God speaks to Nathan at night
- As Christians we should run our plans by God in prayer
- God has never complained about His dwelling in a tent - The God of the universe is content to reside in a tent
- His primary concern is not about Himself but His people
- God's people live in tents so He will live in tents
- God's people are surrounded by enemies and confusion - He will stay and move with them wherever they go
- Here is a God who really cares for His people
- This is a message that we see at Christmas
- A God who enters a womb He created and becomes dependant on an umbilical cord that He designed
- A God who became a vulnerable baby that needed caring for
- A God who left the splendour of Heaven to enter a world of sin
- Who am I that God should care for me?
God's Grace
- v8-11
- David is at rest, the country is stable - this was God's work (v1)
- God stops David for two reasons:
- God cannot be repaid - we cannot repay God what He has done for us
- God hasn't yet finished giving to and blessing David
- God reminds David of what he was like before He blessed him
- God chose him and made him a king (v8)
- God will make a house for David (v11)
- House not in the building but a collection of people, a dynasty, a family
- God is not someone who takes but someone who gives
- God has not saved you for what He can get out of you
- God has saved you for what He can pour into you
- "What is my house that you have brought me thus far?" (v18)
- Where were you when God started to work in your life?
- Deut 1 - Moses speaking
God's Commitment
- v12-16
- God is not finished with David and God is not finished with the Davidic line
- God is making promises to David that cannot be broken
- God is committing Himself to David's family tree
- This commitment continues even past David's death (v12)
- This commitment continues even when David's family will sin (v14)
- This commitment continues past the ravages of time (v16)
- History and Scripture records the birth of Jesus (the fulfilment of this promise)
- God gives and gives and gives and keeps on giving
- Who am I that God would keep His promises for me?
- The cross shows the commitment of Jesus Christ