The Ministry of Reconciliation
To open up – the most powerful truth in Scripture
The text this evening encapsulate the whole truth of our salvation
Only 15 words long (in Greek) – but the most powerful truth in Scripture
The wonderous work of God reconciling us to Himself
Context – Paul is writing about the ministry of reconciliation
The good news of Christianity is that we can be reconciled to God
Explanation of reconciliation
Fallen humanity and God
Why is it necessary for us to be reconciled to God?
Because we are sinners
Dead in trespasses and sins
Children of wrath
Rejecting God
An enmity between God and man
Unable to have fellowship with Him
This is why this text is such a powerful truth in Scripture
We are separated from God
We are the offending party
It begins with God – the only way reconciliation could occur is if He instituted it
v21 – God is the first mover
Only He knows what it takes to make a sinner right
God is always the initiator – example John 3:16, 1 John 4:14, Rom 5:8
It is God who acts and God who saves
Jesus was without sin
Even non-Christians proclaim Christ as without sin – Example of Pilot – John 18:38, the Roman Centurion – Luke 23:47
The apostles preached Christ as righteous – Example of Peter – Acts 3:14
God testifies of Jesus’ perfection – at His baptism and His transfiguration
A sinless man who was God – became our substitute
Jesus became sin for us – He did not become sinful or a sinner – but our sins were imputed to Him
The cost of our sin was credited to Christ’s account
1 Pet 3:18
Death is the price of sin – Rom 6:23
The sacrifice of animals would not suffice
The sacrifice of the Lamb of God was required
God poured out His wrath upon sin
Isa 53:4-5
Imputed righteousness
Christ’s righteousness imputed to us
The price has been paid
We have His righteousness so that we can stand before God’s holiness
We can enjoy His presence forever
Our sin is taken away and we are given Christ’s righteousness
Closing Remarks