Old Llantrisant Hill
- To open up - the most powerful truth in Scripture
- The text this evening encapsulate the whole truth of our salvation
- v21
- Only 15 words long (in Greek) - but the most powerful truth in Scripture
- The wonderous work of God reconciling us to Himself
- Context - Paul is writing about the ministry of reconciliation
- The good news of Christianity is that we can be reconciled to God
- v19
- Explanation of reconciliation
- Fallen humanity and God
- Why is it necessary for us to be reconciled to God?
- Because we are sinners
- Dead in trespasses and sins
- Children of wrath
- Rejecting God
- An enmity between God and man
- Unable to have fellowship with Him
- This is why this text is such a powerful truth in Scripture
- We are separated from God
- We are the offending party
- It begins with God - the only way reconciliation could occur is if He instituted it
- v21 - God is the first mover
- Only He knows what it takes to make a sinner right
- God is always the initiator - example John 3:16, 1 John 4:14, Rom 5:8
- It is God who acts and God who saves
- Jesus was without sin
- Even non-Christians proclaim Christ as without sin - Example of Pilot - John 18:38, the Roman Centurion - Luke 23:47
- The apostles preached Christ as righteous - Example of Peter - Acts 3:14
- God testifies of Jesus' perfection - at His baptism and His transfiguration
- A sinless man who was God - became our substitute
- Jesus became sin for us - He did not become sinful or a sinner - but our sins were imputed to Him
- The cost of our sin was credited to Christ's account
- 1 Pet 3:18
- Death is the price of sin - Rom 6:23
- The sacrifice of animals would not suffice
- The sacrifice of the Lamb of God was required
- God poured out His wrath upon sin
- Isa 53:4-5
- Imputed righteousness
- Christ's righteousness imputed to us
- The price has been paid
- We have His righteousness so that we can stand before God's holiness
- We can enjoy His presence forever
- Our sin is taken away and we are given Christ's righteousness
- Closing Remarks