August 25, 2024

The Lord in Gethsemane

Passage: Luke 22:39-46, John 18:1-11
Service Type:


Luke 22:39-46

The Lord Jesus wrestling in agony at Gethsemane
We are on the victory side – inc Roman 8

When was the victory achieved?

The cross
The resurrection
In Gethsemane

A starting point "An angel appeared from heaven strengthening Him" – v43

Jesus was fully composed when the soldiers came
Jesus told Peter to put away his sword – He was to drink the cup of His Father

Jesus wants His disciples to learn from His agony

x6 – "prayer"
x2 – "watch and pray"

Overview – 4 parts:

His Custom
His Concern
His Cup
His Composure

His Custom (v38)

To withdraw to the Mount of Olives to pray

He often went to pray on His own

Sometimes He took His disciples with Him

He lived a life of prayer

Facing the cross – He does the same thing

Quote from Cyprian

Is prayer a custom for us?

Do we follow in the Saviour’s footsteps?
Jesus instructed His disciples to ‘watch and pray’
Example of African tribe

His Concern (v40)

‘Pray not to enter into temptation’

In the agony of Gethsemane He is concerned for His disciples

Typical of the Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus does not want them to enter into temptation

Tempted to sin
Testings and trials – not to be overwhelmed by the trial or difficulty

Temptation is not wrong, but to enter into sin is wrong

Temptation can overwhelm us
Sin can overwhelm us

Example of the Lord’s Prayer
The disciples were overwhelmed by Calvary

His Cup (v42)

Take this cup away from Me

Jesus is now facing the worse of all trials
3 times He prays (in the other gospels) – though Luke summarises it

The cup is Old Testament language

Ps 75:8 (and other passages)
The wrath of God / anger of God against sin

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Revelation

There are judgments from God – Romans 1

His wrath is mixed with mercy

The wrath that Jesus faced was undiluted

Quote #1 from Jonathan Edwards Sermon: Christ’s Agony
We deserve this because of our sin

He prays if possible for the cup to pass from Him – but God’s will be done

He submits His human will to the will of God the Father

An angel came to strengthen Him (v43)

He prayed more earnestly (v44)
So He could continue in prayer and submit to the will of God the Father
No human help but heavenly help
Quote #2 from Jonathan Edwards Sermon: Christ’s Agony

On the cross wrath was poured out – in Gethsemane He is looking at it

He is accepting the cup
Quote from John Duncan

Christians will never face the undiluted wrath of God – Jesus has faced this for us

We are justified by faith
Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ

His Composure (v45-46)

He knows what will happen and is prepared to go through with it

The victory was won in Gethsemane


We not face what Jesus did, but we need divine help

"Rise and pray lest you enter into temptation"

Christians in the work place, family life, neighbourhoods

Wales is the most secular part of the UK

We need strength from heaven – divine help

We need the Holy Spirit
Quote from hymn

You pray

Has the grass grown over the path of prayer
"Pray, lest you enter into temptation"