Old Llantrisant Hill
- If you ever wanted proof that Jesus has a heart for different people - read John 3&4
- Story of Nicodemus
- Story of Samaritan Women
- A great contrast between these two people:
- Social standing
- Morality
- Name
- Sex
- Race
- Reputation
- Seeking Jesus
- Both people had the same need
- Quote from James Montgomery Boyce
- Why is Jesus in Samaria?
- He is on a journey from Judah (in the South) to Galilee (in the North)
- On this journey partly to avoid controversy
- Many religious people would not have taken this route although it was the most direct route (v9)
- It was necessary for Jesus to travel through Samaria (v4)
- God always intended for Jesus to meet this one particular individual - this women
- Example of the apostle Paul in Acts 16
- How many of us as Christians can identify with this?
The Grace Jesus Shows (v5-6)
- John is clear in the start of his gospel that Jesus is God
- These verses (in John 4) remind us that Jesus became a man
- He knew the same sort of frailties as mankind - Jesus became weary from His journey
- Jesus' actions would have been shocking to the strict religious Jew for three reasons:
- He was speaking to a Samaritan (at all)
- He was speaking to a woman
- He was asking her for a drink
- The woman came to draw water from the well at midday - the sixth hour (v6)
- No-one would have drawn water at this time of day
- The women would have come to draw water in the early morning
- Why did the woman come to draw water at midday?
- Because she was a moral outcast
- Quote from Tim Kelland
- Jesus ignored the prejudices of the day
- Jesus cared for the needs of this woman
- He went out of His way to bring the gospel to her
- To the woman that His fellow Jews and even the people of her own society would have despised
- Are we the same in our churches?
- This woman's lifestyle doesn't stop Jesus reaching out to her
- Jesus is an example to us
- Their sins are uncomfortable to us be we realise that they are lost people before God
The Mistake Jesus Exposes (v9-12)
- On long journeys it was expected that traveling parties would draw water from wells on the way (they carried a bucket for this purpose)
- The disciples would likely have taken the bucket with them when they had gone into the town to by provisions
- Jacob's well is at least 100ft today, maybe deeper at that time
- Jesus had no way to draw the water
- The woman maybe thought that Jesus was speaking about some secret underground spring
- Jesus was using picture language to refer to the much greater and deeper longing that existed in her heart
- v13 - on the face of it, a pointless thing to say
- The woman knew why she had come to the well on that day - to get water
- Jesus is not speaking about physical water - He is speaking about her attempts to satisfy a need that exists deep in her soul
- Jesus knows things that cannot simply be explained by simple research
- She is seeking love in a series of different sexual relationships (v18)
- Jesus wants to expose the need that lies behind the sin
- She is looking for meaning and satisfaction in sex and companionship
- No-one wanted to be seen with this woman, but Jesus is not afraid to meet with her
- She is willing to risk becoming a social leper to find it [what she needs] - but going from man to man wasn't working
- This pattern is reflected in so many ways in our society
- Men and women are seeking to quench a thirst and satisfy a need that is only fulfilled by something deeper
- The longing people feel is for the God who created us
- People make the mistake that this deepest need can be satisfied by anything other than God
- Ultimately all these things will fail to bring us the happiness, satisfaction and joy which we seek
The Answer Jesus Gives (v14)
- The answer to those who thirst for these things - "I am the answer"
- Jesus alone is the one who is able to satisfy our deepest needs
- Only Jesus can give us what we truly long for - to make us complete human beings
- Jesus is not a kill joy
- He does not tell the woman to stop looking for happiness but to look in the right place
- Quote from CS Lewis
- When Jesus calls us to follow Him we are called to give up certain things
- Jesus commands this because if we make these things the ultimate in and of themselves, ultimately they will make us miserable
- 'We have tried the broken cisterns'
- Men and women seeking to fill a God sized hole with things that will never satisfy this deep need
- Jesus made us
- He alone knows what we need
- He is willing to give it to us
- He paid a great cost to give it to us
- Explanation of the sacrifice of Jesus to become a man, yet fully God
- He was a man of sorrows acquainted with grief
- He was plunged into despair at the cross so that we can be plunged into the mountains of delight
- There is a condition
- We must drink of the water Jesus offers
- No rules to work through and keep
- No religious hoops to jump through
- Simply drink - simply take what He freely gives
- There is nothing more for us to do but receive what He has purchased for us
- No other conditions (except the implied sense of need and a willingness to accept it)