Old Llantrisant Hill
- Come to chapter 12
- Skipped over chapter 11 - better to look at in a Bible Study
- Some difficulties in chapter 12
- Unusual numbers
- Perhaps we are not meant to know what it means
- Daniel - the wisest man on the earth did not understand it (v8)
- There are some things only to be revealed at the end (v9)
- The numbers have significance
- Close to numbers given in Revelation
- We are to try and decipher these numbers
- We are to look at plain and sobering things
- Your eternal destiny
- The day of final judgment
- The day of heaven and hell
- The bible gives details of the end times
- Including a great hope for those who believe
- Daniel has hope (v13)
- Hope for all who trust in Jesus Christ
- Overview:
- v1-3: Protection and deliverance (v1), The final day (v2), A word of hope (v3)
- Deliverance from tribulation (v1)
- The resurrection (v2)
- The glorious promise (v3)
Deliverance from tribulation (v1)
- This passage speaks of terrible tribulation
- God's people have always been a suffering people
- Example of Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Paul
- Many have experienced remarkable deliverance in the midst of tribulation
- The archangel Michael
- He stands over the people
- We had previously how Michael overcame the prince of persia
- v1 - The archangel will deliver God's people
- The psalms speak of angels that protect us
- Example of Elisha's Servant
- God has His servants
- Tribulation at the end of the World
- Not the times of tribulation faced by the Jews
- God's people suffer terrible tribulation
- Talking about the final time of tribulation
- The final tribulation
- The antichrist will come
- Such an awful time that God has to shorten it, for the sake of the elect
- Many false prophets will arise
- Reading 2 Thess 2:1-12 & Comment
- Christ will come and in a moment will destroy the lawless one
- We will be delivered by Christ
- We should take encouragement that no matter what we go through - God is for us
- If God is for us, who can be against us?
- The Book of Life
- Phil 4:3
- Jesus spoke of names written in heaven
- Rev 20:12,15
- The elect of God
- Are we the elect of God?
- Have we trusted in Jesus Christ
- If so, there is a promise that we are safe in Him and no-one can pluck us from the Father's hand
The resurrection (v2)
- A promise of judgment
- Some ridicule the resurrection
- v2 - The doctrine of the resurrection
- When we die:
- Our spirits go to God and we are judged immediately - a temporal judgment
- Our bodies decay in the ground
- God knows our DNA, our blueprint
- Our bodies renew (every 7 years) yet we remain the same
- God is able to resurrect us
- Scripture teaches there will be a general resurrection when our bodies will be united with our souls
- There will be a judgment and some will go to a place of bliss and others to a place of torment
- There will be a new body like Jesus
- Jesus is the first fruits
- It will happen at the Second Coming
- Reading John 5:24-29 & Comment
- Reading Rev 20:11-15 & Comment
- A day of separation - the sheep and the goats, the saved and the unsaved
- When considering the last day
- Are we in the faith?
- Make your calling and election sure
- You know - if you trust and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
The glorious promise (v3)
- A promise to the wise
- To shine like the stars
- Personal example
- God's people will shine forever like the stars
- Example of Daniel's wisdom
- What do we live for?
- For Daniel there will be no regrets (v13)
- He will be forever with the Lord
- May we have this deep assurance