The Lamb of God
- The story of Corrie Ten Boom
- Christianity is not about rules and regulations but about a person - Jesus Christ
- Let us not miss the point of the Bible
- Key text - John 1:29
- "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"
- Our response: we should follow Him
- Have you ever been somewhere really beautiful and you want to tell others about it
- So it is with John pointing to Jesus
- "Behold" Jesus
The Truth that God Speaks
- Behold!
- Look at this person
- The Lamb of God - one of many titles
- It has been revealed to John that this is the Lamb of God
- The Lamb of God
The Lamb that comes from God
- God is sending Jesus into the world
- Anything that comes from God must be Holy, clean and pure
- This title reminds us of the sinlessness of Jesus
- Heb 7:26
- Jesus mixed with sinners yet was without sin
- The Lamb of Sacrifice in the Old Testament had to be perfect
- Jesus was perfect
- Jesus was baptised because He is identifying with sinners
- It reminds us of the Old Testament
The Lamb that is provided by God
- Remember the story of Abraham and Isaac and his testing
- God provides the Lamb
- Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Will Provide
- "God did not spare His only Son but delivered Him up for us all" - Romans 8:32
- Hebrews - Jesus is just the sacrifice we need
The Work of the Lamb
- "Who takes away the sin of the world" - John 1:29
- John summarises the gospel in a few words
- Jesus does not come to take away our problems or give us what we want
- Jesus comes to take away sin
- The sin - singular, not plural
- All sin in one
- Sin is not about mistakes (that can be rubbed out)
- Sin is an offence to God
- Sin is about 'I' - me
- We are obsessed with ourselves
- Selfishness
- Sin is the missing of the mark
- "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Rom 3:23
- Jesus takes away sin by taking it upon Himself
- The Lamb and the scape goat
- Our sin was laid on Jesus
- Martin Luther - "Your sins are either on you or Christ. Take which one you prefer."
- Not everyone in the world will be saved
- Jesus came for all people - not just particular groups
- Jews and Gentiles
- He saved Saul on the road to Damascus
- Bartemus the blinder beggar
- Zacchieus the tax collector
- The woman at the well
The Effect it has upon John
It humbled John
- "Whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose" - John 1:27
- What effect does it have upon us?
- Does the gospel humble us?
- If we are proud and arrogant God resists us
- Disciples of Jewish masters would run errands but they would not loose their master's sandals
- John says he is not worthy to do even this task for Jesus Christ
- We are nobody telling everybody about somebody [Jesus]
A tremendous desire to tell others
- He keeps saying the words "Behold the Lamb of God"
- John 1:29
- John 1:35-36
- John's desire was that people would follow Christ
- Is our desire that others would come to Christ?
- Jesus is our Captain who saves us from our sins
Peace in his life
- How did John's respond towards the end of his life? - Matt 11:1-15
- The Jews expected a great deliverance
- John was in prison
- John sent messengers to Jesus
- Jesus performs miracles and encourages John with a word - "blessed is the man who does not stumble because of me" - Matt 11:6
- Thomas Charles - "I have a refuge"
- Do we have a refuge?
- Have we believed upon Christ?
"Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"