The Kingdom and the Second Coming
Why do we make such a fuss of the New Year?
The passing of a year is significant – it causes us to look back and reflect
To thank God for blessings
To look forward with expectation
The Bible speaks of a day – the ‘Day of the Lord’
In Daniel referred to as the ‘Day of the Son of Man’
A number prophesied about
Martin Luther – thought only of today and the ‘final day’
These verses speak of Jesus’ Second Coming
Expectations of the Kingdom
The kingdom of God as a Present Reality
The Coming Kingdom
Expectations of the Kingdom
Some people were waiting for the Kingdom:
Simeon was waiting for the coming King
Anna saw the Christ Child and told others
Jesus Christ preached a message stating the kingdom of God was near and amongst people
He used parables to preach about the nature of the kingdom
Some misunderstood and were ignorant of the kingdom of God – some tried to make Jesus a king to rule over them – Luke 19:11
Even the pharisees were expecting the kingdom of God – v20
What about today?
Some are into religion, mysticism, into events/prophecies – there can be an interest in spiritual things
But there is no real interest in the true things of God – there is wilful sin and no pleasing of God
The kingdom of God as a Present Reality
It is not within observation (v20-21)
It is not a physical kingdom, with a ruler over people
It is not a geographical area that is visible
It is not external but within you
It can never be seen unless the Spirit works in your life and your heart is changed
“You must be born again”
Do you understand this?
Have you been born again – have you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
Is the kingdom of God a present reality in your life
The Coming Kingdom
The bulk of the passage speaks about this
Difficult days are coming in the future (v22-23)
Matt 24:21
People were long to see days of peace and prosperity but it get worse and worse when the Spirit of God is withdrawn
False prophets and false ‘Christs’ will arise
There will be difficult days
Christ’s return (v24)
When Christ returns it will be global
Mysterious things will happen – explanation
Matt 24:29-30
The first coming of Christ is in stark contrast to the second coming of Christ
He will be rejected and suffer (v25)
The world wants every good and right and not suffering, rejection and pain
Jesus must go to the cross – there is no other way
Jesus must be rejected by men and women
Two catastrophic events (v26-30)
The day of Noah – not one escaped as the ignored his preaching and warnings
The day that Lot left Sodom
The people in these times went about their normal life – but then a sudden day of tribulation came
Why does Jesus mention the normality of life and not the wickedness that is described in the Old Testament
Had wickedness become as normal as eating and drinking?
Evil had been ‘normalised’
Your sin might not be ‘as bad’ as others
It will be the same when Jesus returns (v31)
Matthew and Mark – similar words used for the destruction of Jerusalem (that would occur in AD70)
There is often a double meaning/reference in Scripture
E.g. a temporal judgment leading to a final judgment
Lot’s wife – had become worldly (v32)
We must not be people that love the world
If you love life you will lose it
You must be prepared to yield to the Lordship of Jesus
Where do you stand this morning?
A great separation (v34-36)
No secret rapture…
…but Christ is coming again
A great separation even between spouses, colleagues, family, etc
A division between sheep and goats
The teaching of the Lord Jesus is paramount
Closing Remarks
We can have every confidence if we have trusted in Christ
His promises are true
He will come for us
If you are playing with sin and living in unbelief – this is a fearful day
Jesus began by answering a question from the pharisees (v20) but then switches to teach His disciples (v22)
v37 – wherever there is a mass of spiritual and moral corruption – then the King will come
Brief recap of points:
The pharisees – were not genuine but curious – are we curious or sincere?
Have you understood that the kingdom of God is within all who believe?
Are you ready for that day?
Be safe in the arms of Jesus