December 20, 2020

The Holy Spirit and Christmas

Passage: Luke 2:25-27
Service Type:


Christmas is not just about the trimmings
We will be consider Jesus Christ
The work of the Spirit is to draw reference to the Son of God
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity

He is a comfort
He is God
He loves to stay in the background
His special work is to glorify Christ

The Incarnation of Christ (Luke 1:35)

Luke 1:35
Mary is startled by the greeting of the Angel Gabriel – 1:28

She is highly favoured
She is to bring forth a Son called Jesus – 1:31-33

This Son will setup an everlasting kingdom

Yet she is a virgin – 1:34
The Holy Spirit will come upon her – 1:35

Does this remind of you creation as the Holy Spirit was over the waters?
Now He will combine divinity and humanity
It is a strange mystery
We should be in awe of this
We can never understand what it meant for God to become flesh – it is humbling
Jesus makes Himself of no reputation
Example of John Wesley Christmas Carol

Mary’s response – ‘let it be’ 1:38

She did not doubt as Zechariah did
She responded in faith – even though there were implications for her
Does society believe?

We must challenge the unbelieving world

Individuals filled with the Holy Spirit

Eph 5:18 – all believers are to be filled with the Holy Spirit

If you are filled with the Holy Spirit – you will praised God

The Holy Spirit did not come by command, but of His own desire

Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)

Elizabeth knows that her son will be very special – Luke 1:14-16

She knows John will be filled with the Holy Spirit

When Mary visits Elizabeth, John the Baptist leaps in the womb

Because he was in the presence of Christ

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit

She praises God – 1:42-45
She recognises the baby Jesus as “Lord”

Mary (Luke 1:47-55)

Mary recognises the baby Jesus as “Saviour” – Luke 1:47

She speaks much biblical truth

Zechariah (Luke 1:76-79)

He is filled with the Holy Spirit

He speaks of John the Baptist and of the Lord Jesus Christ – Luke 1:76-79


That we might know the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives

That we might have a clarity in our lives
That we might have scriptural insight

The Holy Spirit is given by God to those who ask

Simeon’s Experience (Luke 2:25-35)

He was awaiting the coming of the Messiah – but only a few had faith

He was just and devout

He feared, sought and loved God
He was waiting for the consolation of Israel
He understood Isa 40

The Holy Spirit was upon him – Luke 2:25

He had a direct revelation from God (the Holy Spirit) – 2:26
He was guided by the Holy Spirit into the Temple – were Mary and Joseph were

This was the timing of God

He saw things other people did not see

He recognises that the baby is God the Son

He blesses God – 2:29

He can depart in peace

There are many who do not die well in this world – despair, agony and without peace

Because he had seen God’s salvation – 2:30
A light to the Gentiles also (not just the Jews) – 2:32

The Lord Jesus Christ was for the world

Example of Donald Mitchell from Freeschool Court

What matters is that we have peace with God

Closing Remarks

That we would be people of the Holy Spirit
That we would speak of and praise Christ