The Goodness of God
This passage is all about the goodness and faithfulness of God
If God did not keep His promises He would not be true
He would cease to be God, because He would be untrustworthy
However, God is true and He fulfills every promise He makes
God is not a man that He should lie
The Bible has multiple passages showing the faithfulness of God
The promise of Abraham’s seed (though it took many years)
The promises reiterated to Issac – that he would prosper
Genesis 26 is the fulfillment of this promise
The promises given to Jacob
Harvest is about the faithfulness and promises of God
It is a blessing to look at Genesis 26 on this Harvest Sunday
The goodness of God despite failure and sin
God’s goodness despite Issac’s failure
There was one family who was given the covenant promises of God
Yet we read of a weak and fearful man who lied and did not trust God
Yet God blesses him abundantly
You may expect chastisement, but he receives blessing
What types of sin did he commit?
All sin is sin – but it can be categorised:
Sins of ignorance
Sins of weakness
Sins of deliberate fault
What was the sin of Issac?
A sin of weakness
God had commanded him not to go to Egypt
Even though there was famine, he stayed in the land and did not go to Egypt
He finds himself in hostility with the Philistines and had to move
He came into contact with King Abimelech
Isaac’s wife was very beautiful so he is deceptive about their marriage
One day King Abimelech sees that they are husband and wife
King Abimelech is furious but Isaac confesses
King Abimelech charges the people to stay away from Rebekah and Isaac (v11)
Isaac sins in weakness
He repeats the sin of his fore-father
Yet God is kind
God had given covenant promises to Issac (v3)
What about our sin?
There is a good God in heaven
He does not overlook sin
He sent Jesus to take our sin upon the cross, that we might be forgiven
God blesses
In one year Isaac is blessed 100 times over – in a year of famine (v12)
God freely forgives
Isaac was a man of faith
He was greatly prospered (v13)
Can you speak to the kindness of God
Personal example
When tragedy, death or trial come – do we blame God or remember His gracious kindness?
Never forget that God is a good God
The greatest blessings
Not physical primarily
But spiritual
Isaac came to learn this – he was an alien in the land, moved from place to place
The fulfillment of the promise would be in his seed – Jesus Christ
The fulfillment is found beyond this world – in heaven
Store up riches in heaven (not treasures on earth)
Abide in the Vine (Jesus) and you will bear fruit
Do you feel in a barren/pagan land – you can prosper spiritually in God
The goodness of God despite opposition
The Philistines envied Isaac
Have you encountered this?
The Philistines were jealous
They spoke against him
They stopped up his wells
They did not want him to prosper
The Philistines harass Isaac
He moves areas and digs the wells but the philistines quarrel over them
God’s blessings
Does not mean that everything will be easy
The Bible says we will suffer tribulation
Jesus tells us to be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world
Isaac could be of good cheer as God was with him and blessing him
He trusted in God
He was a peacemaker
He was patient
The Lord is Good and faithful
Ps 37
Isaac is learning to trust God
Trust in God
The happiest should be those who are born again
These are truly blessed indeed
May it be that you have asked Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, to be your Lord and Saviour
So God will be with you
So God will bless you