Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last week - looking at dramatic events
- Recap:
- Suddenly
- Tongues of flame
- The gift of languages
- Peter preaches
- The people repent and are baptised
- Great phenomenon on the day of Pentecost
- It was the preaching of Christ crucified
- The message of the gospel that was life transforming
- This evening - v42-47
- The fruits of Pentecost
- Devotion to the word of God, fellowship, the breaking of bread, prayer
- The marks of the Spirit filled church
A love for God's word
- They continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine
- They continued daily in the temple
- They continued under the teaching of the apostles
- Likely all types of people
- Hearing and receiving teaching every day
- There must have been great awe as the apostles healed and did many signs and wonders (v43)
- This confirmed their teaching was of God
- The first fruit of Pentecost - a great love for the word of God
- Do we have such a love for the word of God?
- Is God's word being sidelined in churches today?
- We must not takeaway from the word of God
- The word of God is given - examples
- We must remember the early church and their simplicity of worship
- In lean times we faithfully sow the word of God
A love for one another
- They continued steadfastly in fellowship
- Not a priority or order in the list of v42
- They are all equally important
- The word fellowship in Greek means sharing and partnership
- Some opened their homes
- Some sold their possessions and gave charity
- Fellowship - they were "together" and had "all things in common" (v44)
- They sold the possessions to meet needs
- Unlikely to be a teaching of the apostles but a work of the Holy Spirit
- They were very generous
- Their love was not in word only, but also in deed
- Love from a pure heart
- Their brotherly love continued (4:32-35)
- The Jews were used to tithing and helping needy people
- Now extra help was required
- The second fruit of Pentecost - a great love for the people of God
A love for the means of grace
- They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread and the prayers
- i.e. to Communion
- We should devote ourselves to all the means of grace
- i.e. gathering together to pray
- 1:14 - they all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication
- 2:1 - they were all with one accord in one place
- 3:1 - hours of prayer
- 16:16 - "as we went to prayer" (on their way to a prayer meeting)
- Scheduled prayer meetings
- Spontaneous prayer meetings - 4:24, 12:12
- Christians should be committed to prayer
- The third fruit of Pentecost - prayer and communion
A love for the Lord
- Worship was at the centre of this church
- They met together daily "praising God" (v46-47)
- This was their focus - their hearts were on fire
- They worshiped God
- The mark of a Spirit filled church is that they worship the Lord
A love for the lost
- The Lord was adding daily to their number (v48)
- The apostles were continuing to preach the Gospel
- God was adding to the number that were saved
- We must pray for a great love for the lost
- A Spirit filled church is a mission church
Closing Remarks
- Not mystical experiences
- The fruits of Pentecost - preaching, prayer, giving, love
- If you are lacking - pray
- We need a strong foundation
- Every building needs a foundation
- Jesus Christ is our foundation
- Every church needs these four pillars