Old Llantrisant Hill
- Do we need a balance of grace and law
- We have been 'singing' about grace all morning
- Paul starts with how we can have Peace with God
- v1 - those who are justified by faith have peace with Jesus Christ
- Romans 1-4 - what it means to be made right with God
- Are you right with God?
- If you are not a believer, then you are under God's wrath
- Paul has been explaining who people can get right with God
- We are all under God's righteous anger
- God has made a way that we can be at peace with Him
- Through the Lord Jesus Christ
- We have been justified through faith
- What He has done has been accounted to us
- God declares us not guilty - because the Lord Jesus Christ has taken on Himself the righteous judgment of God
- This is the only was we can have peace with God
- v2 - we stand in grace
We stand in grace
- Example
- We are given a ticket by God
- There is only one turnstile to enter the stadium of grace
- Entrance is given as a free gift
- Example
- Faith allows us to enter grace and to stand in faith
- Psalm 24:3
- We cannot simply stand in God's presence
- We can gain access through grace
- We must stand firm until the end
- Standing in the face of adversity
- Personal example
- Not to retreat
- 2 Corinthians 8:1-2
- If our finances are difficult we might reduce (not increase) our giving
- The Macedonian church was generous in the face of extreme poverty
- v6-7 - your grace in giving is spurred by the grace of Jesus Christ
- Not standing stationary / passive but being active
- We go (in grace) in the same way we began
- We are no longer aliens and strangers from grace
- Prophecy
- We are 'holy to the Lord'
- We glow with the righteousness of Christ
- We are in a state of grace
- God's free grace does not stop giving
- v20-21
- Quote from 'Amazing Grace'
- Grace is how we enter into and continue on in the Christian life
- How is your prayer life?
- Have you been in a situation where you have been driven to prayer?
- Do we think that our 'goodliness' will cause God to intervene in our situation?
- This is not standing in grace, but in our performance
- We stand in grace full stop!
- Grace is not based on works
- We cannot contribute to our salvation
- Personal example
- God does not leave us to 'get on with Christian life'
- We did not start in the Spirit to finish in the flesh
- Acting in the flesh is in rebellion to God
- Acting in the Spirit
- v18-19
- Justification and sanctification
- Not just saved from death but saved for life
- v9-11
- Our grace continues in Jesus Christ
- Therefore we can 'boast' in the Lord Jesus Christ
- Do not boast in yourself but in the Lord Jesus Christ
- God answers our prayer in grace, not in the strength of our discipleship
- What motivation is there to be holy?
- Rom 6:1
- Grace and law
- v2 - Real faith is faith that expresses itself in love
- for God
- to be obedient
- for His people
- for your neighbours
- 1 John 1:5
Closing Remarks