The Fall
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-13 | Preacher: Henry De Oliveira | Series: Genesis |
Genesis 3
Perhaps the most important chapter in the entire Bible
It is the foundation of the Bible and of life
Considered the deceitfulness of the serpent/Satan – explanation
Considered how Satan’s ways have not changed – explanation
God’s ways are beyond finding out
The best way to learn about God is from God Himself (through His word)
Considering the peril when Adam and Eve did not listen to God’s word
They became sinners
We are sinners – by nature
We live lives of sin
To understand the depth of their fall is very important
Chapter 1 – the eternal might and power of God,
Chapter 2 – Adam and Eve face to face with God in delight
Chapter 3 – this relationship is shattered
v7 – illustrates the depths of their fall
Unless we understand how far we have fallen – we will not understand our need for a Saviour
We must understand how far Adam and Eve fell
No longer innocent
Their eyes open to their guilt and shame
Their conscience was opened
Their eyes were opened – v5
Satan speaks deceit – he is the father of trickery
Satan and evil became their master and not God
They saw and spoke evil
They saw their nakedness
Spiritually – stripped of communion with God, stripped of their freedom
They could not undo their crime
cf Gen 2:16-17
They were suffering the disobedience of their fall – separation from God
They died that day
Physically – decay started
Spiritually – completely separated from God
This is our state
Our earthly lives are futile and meaningless without God
They sought refuge under a covering of leaves
They could no longer take refuge and shelter in God
They did no cry out in repentance – but sought to cover their own shame
They could not make themselves presentable to God
Do we try to cover ourselves in religion, science, intelligence
They hid from their creator (v8-10) [because of fear]
No longer in reverent awe of God
Filled with a terrify fear of God
They saw wisdom in hiding from God, though this was foolish
No-one can hide from God
They dared not stand trial before God
The voice of the judge was too much
This is their nature – this is our nature
Rom 5:12
We are descended from Adam – his nature is our nature
Adam’s guilt is counted as ours – we are sinners
Our hearts are marred by sin – Mark 7: Examples
Do we think that we are not as sinful as we really are?
We would rather cover our sin that have it exposed before God and man
Do we reject God as He calls to us?
Are we terrified at the prospect of a sovereign God?
We cannot meet the standard of God’s holiness and perfection
Death is the penalty for our sinfulness
Eternal death – hell
We have hope in the Triune God – v8
God did not approach Adam and Eve in thunder and lightning but calmness and mercy
Even though the deserved the full force of His fury
Even in their nakedness, guilt and shame
God gives the opportunity to openly confess their shame and to repent
Rom 5:15-16
In Him we can have everlasting life
God sought Adam in his nakedness and shame
This is how we are to go to God – simply of ourselves
This is how God will forgive us
Jesus took our nakedness and shame on the cross
He took the full force of God’s wrath and anger in our place
Do not hide like Adam but come to God as you are (in Christ Jesus)
Do not squander God’s free gift of salvation
Let us turn to God and confess our condition
Closing Quote