September 29, 2019

The Dissatisfaction of Life

Passage: John 4:5-14
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 4:5-14 | Preacher: Henry De Oliveira | Series: Visiting Preachers |
The Dissatisfaction of Life

A fact of life true to both young and old

The unsatisfied soul of man

But there is a wonderful truth

Something extra-ordinary of offer from God Himself

Able to quench the dissatisfaction of life
Compare v13 to v14

Living water and everlasting life is on offer

Ultimately – Jesus has offered Himself

Reading 4:5-6

Jesus is weary/tired – evidence of His full humanity

Other evidences in the Gospels – examples

Yet He was the only human being without sin
Jesus has known our experiences

Reading 4:7-8

A woman with a long history

Jesus exposes the truth of her life

This woman was not satisfied with life
Are we satisfied with life?

“All the labour of man is for his mouth, yet His soul is not satisfied”
Material things cannot satisfy the soul of man

Examples – younger people, older people

We have physical needs to be satisfied – food & drink

Hunger and thirst can be a metaphor for life
Example of Rockafeller, survey results

The woman knew her dissatisfaction – v15

Example from the new film of the Apostle Paul

Reading 4:14

As a human Jesus knew about the dissatisfaction of life – explanation

As divine – Jesus knew that He was always satisfied in His Father

The world says that we should be king of our own life

Yet we know this does not satisfy
The soul is not satisfied

Jesus offers us the greatest gift – everlasting life

A free gift
An offer of life and life to the fullest

Jesus is fully God

Col 1:15-16
Therefore He can offer this remarkable living water

Why are we unsatisfied?

It is a fundamental problem
God has designed us to find true satisfaction in Him

Yet we reject God
Yet we try and do it our way
We choose to live life by our own terms

God satisfies our souls through Jesus Christ

John 6:35
Ps 107:9

Godly and everlasting satisfaction

Not in us but in God
When we live for Christ – we are satisfied into eternity

Let us accept this gift of everlasting life in Jesus

It is offered to all
There was nothing special in the Samaritan woman – infact the Jews viewed her as an outcast

Yet Jesus loved her
He asked her for water
Jesus knew her life
Yet He wanted to fill her dissatisfied soul with water

It does not matter what we have done in life

Jesus offers us living water
John 3:17

Jesus is offering salvation to all

Reading 4:25-26

Jesus is the Messiah
He is the one who can give living water
He has offered up Himself – explanation

Closing Remarks

Believe in Christ the Saviour of the World
Be satisfied in Christ