The Conman of the Soul
Bible Text: James 1:1-8 | Preacher: Geoff Gobbett | Series: Visiting Preachers | Introduction
Focusing on v13-15
“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.” v14-15
Example of sin and deceit
Speaking on a difficult passage
Heading: ‘The Conman of the Soul’
This speaks of our human condition – it speaks to all of us
The bible is searching
We are in a battle against our own hearts
The devil is an arch deceiver
Jesus says he is the father and author of lies – John 8
Example of the Garden of Eden
Sin and deception entered the world
The conman of the soul is our flesh
Let us confront our old nature by the power of the Holy Spirit
Sins nature is deceitful
This is the sad truth and reality of the situation
Example of fallen pastor
There are no reasons or excuses
v13 – Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.”
Titus 3:3
When flesh deceives us – we will sin
Personal example
We have a battle within – verse
Sins nature focuses upon the mind
Let us not in our thoughts blame someone else – the battle is with the mind
Do not shift the blame
We are so easily snared
We need to be honest – this reality affects everyone
God wants us to be honest and confess our sin
Example of King David
David repented – cf Psalm 51:4-6
Why do we find this so hard?
The flesh wars against us
We are drawn away and enticed by our desires
We need to ask if our actions will honour God?
We need to confess
Example of the Watergate Scandal
Sins nature shows us its strategy
This passage shows us the anatomy of the souls destruction
Personal example
We are not pleased when we are exposed
We are not pleased when sin is exposed
Jer 17:9-10
The end of sin is death
We are drawn away by our own desires / our mind enticed
Sin is conceived and gestated (in the will)
Sin is born
Sin brings death and spiritual enslavement
We can be delivered by the Lord God and His grace
Rom 8:1-2
Sins nature is to be exposed
We do not enjoy it when sin is exposed
The word of God is cutting and convicting
Verse – Romans 8