Old Llantrisant Hill
- Chapter 7 is a diving line in the book
- Up to chapter 7 - building the walls
- From chapter 7 - building up the people of God, a spiritual reformation
- Nehemiah appointed people to serve in the temple
- Nehemiah was concerned about spiritual leadership
- As a church we must always focus on the spiritual before the physical
- As Christians we are to love our neighbour and have social concern
- Titus 3:8
- This must never eclipse the preaching of the word of God
- We are a people how must always seek the Kingdom of God
- Nehemiah understood that certain matters needed to be addressed
- v3 - vigilance
- v5 - a register (and updated in Ezra)
Vigilance from attacks from without
- Nehemiah would not be caught off guard
- He could just have relied entirely on God but he recognised there was human responsibility
- He appointed watchmen on the walls and guards at peoples home
- How are we to be vigilant in the Church of Jesus Christ?
- The Bible says 'watch and pray'
- We must combat false teaching
- We are not to be policing others but to be caring for others
- We are a member of a family, of a body
- It matters what is going on in the lives of others
- Caring in a loving way
- We can give advice to others
- Guards in front of their own home
- We have responsibilities in our home
- We should meditate on good and noble things
- What we do, what we talk about, what we watch
- Do we know what is happening in our children's lives?
Good order from within
- Our own lives need to be ordered well, the church of God needs to be ordered well
- The register must have been encouraging to them
- Certain people had to be kept out if they were not true Israelites (e.g. some of the priests - v64)
- God is a God of order
- God wants things to be done properly
- We are not organisational like the world
- We are a family
- We are not regimented like an army
- We are not to be too legalistic but also not too lax
- Membership lists
- Isn't the criteria simply to be born again?
- The doorway to the universal invisible Church is new birth through the Holy Spirit
- We need to identify to a local church
- How can you come under oversight if you are not committed to a local church?
- How can you come under pastoral care if you are not committed to a local church?
- We are not to be legalistic
- Perhaps people have been through previous church splits
- Relationships might prevent people from becoming members
- We are to be loving
- Good order is important in the work of God
- 'The letter kills but the Spirit brings life'
What does it mean to be on God's register?
- It is one thing to be on the register of a local church but it is a far bigger thing to be on God's register
- Baptism, church membership, being a deacon do not guarantee a place in heaven
- Rev 21:1-8 details certain people who will be excluded from heaven
- How do you become part of the people of God?
- Gen 3 (fall of man), John 3 (you must be born again), Rom 3 (justification by faith)
- John 1:12-13 - those who have received The Lord Jesus Christ
- Have you received Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?
- We must be born again, the heart must be changed
- John 3:3 - you must be born again
- John 3:5-6 - you need the washing of the Holy Spirit
- John 8:39-44 - you are children of the devil
- Gal 3:6-7 - having faith makes you a child, not your lineage
- Gal 4:30-31 - we are either the child of God or a child of sin
- Has the Spirit of God entered your life?
- If so you will want to serve The Lord Jesus
- If so there will be a noticeable change in your behaviour
- There is a wonderful promise for you - you will be in the presence of the Saviour forever
- If not you will be cast out as you have not trusted in the word of God