July 21, 2019

The Christian Life

Passage: Haggai 2:1-9
Service Type:

Bible Text: Haggai 2:1-9 | Preacher: Henry De Oliveira | Series: Haggai | Introduction

Being a Christian is not easy

There are often discouragements
God’s work is often beyond our means
Quote from John Bloom
It is okay to feel weak and inadequate – but this is not meant to lead to discouragement but to surrender all to God

We see a people laden with discontent and discouragement

We see God who encourages, strengthens, is present and works for the furtherance of His own Kingdom
We need to rely on God
Psalm 127:1

Overview – (four parts/steps):

v1-2 God recognises our discontent
v3 God exposes the situation
v4-5 God demands strength and encourages us with the Spirit’s presence
v6-9 God takes ownership of the task

God recognises our discontent (v1-2)

Reading v1-2
God needs to speak to the people:

Only a month has passed since Chapter 1
The temple is still in ruins

People would have been celebrating in this special month

People would have be reminded of former times in the temple
The temple was originally dedicated in the same month

God speaks through Haggai

He is quick to intervene (it has only been a month)

God does not let them fall into deeper despair

Lesson: God makes Himself known when we first become discontent

We often do not recognise this and fail to commit out troubles to Him

Discouragement can lead to disregard of God’s work

We are to keep coming back to God – who speaks to all (the leaders and the people)

God exposes the situation (v3)

Reading v3
Ezra 3:11-15
The people thought they could not build the temple to the same standard as before
God does not hide the reality of the situation

There is a necessity of life to face things head on

The truth of the present must be seen and the truth of the past cannot be brushed under the carpet

Example of Wales

We are to leave the past behind and move forward

God provides an exhortation [see below]

God demands strength and encourages us with the Spirit’s presence (v4-5)

Reading v4-5
Be strong and work

He says this to the people
He says this to us

It is our responsibility to take courage
We must desire to be strong in the Lord

Joshua 1:6-7,9,18

Joshua faced unfavourable comparisons with Moses

This is a command (cf Joshua 1:9)
We must be strong despite discouragement

God is with us

Josh 1:13 – we can be strong because God is with us
Psalm 46:10
He will lead us in each step

It is not what is in is us, but because God is with us
Our strength and courage comes from knowing that God is with us

No-one can overthrow God
Do not look through your human and material resources

1 Chronicles 28:20
Remember God’s words
Remembers God’s promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us

A reminder of God’s faithfulness (v5)

Exodus 29:45
His Spirit remains with us
We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise

God takes ownership of the task (v6-9)

Reading v6-9
“The Lord of Hosts” – stated multiple times
God will shake (v6)

God is taking ownership of the situation

God is about to move

God will supply the materials needed
There will be a final shaking

Hebrews 12:25-29

God is removing whatever can be destroyed

The Kingdom cannot be shaken

There will be an impact on the nations

Political situations will be disturbed
We should view political situations in the power of God’s divine intervention

The results (v7)

The treasure of all nations will come forth
The “Desire of All Nations” – the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ

Not directly speaking of Jesus – Scriptures says He was rejected and despised

Isa 53:2

John 1:11

Indirectly speaking of the effects of the Lord Jesus Christ

Rev 21:26

The temple would not be as outwardly impressive

God would fill the temple with His glory

His indwelling presence

The gold and silver belonged to God

He would fill the temple with His own presence
Do we recognise the glory of Christ within the Church?

In Me the temple will be much greater

Forget the past and look forward to what God is doing
Praise God that He will not leave us on our own

God now resides in the temple of our heart

Closing Remarks