Sudden Trials
Bible Text: Psalm 139:1-16; Luke 8:22-25 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Luke’s Gospel | Introduction
Returning to looking at the Gospel of Luke
Reading Luke 8:22-25
The disciples suddenly find themselves in the midst of a great trial
Do we find times of really blessing and then trial – or the opposite
Personal example
Example of Joseph and Mary
Sometimes we face terrible trials that we are not expecting
God is in control of and care for us in our trials
People in other religions may have a god, even a powerful god
As Christians we believe in the True God who is a loving heavenly father
Matt 8, Mark 4, Luke 8
In Matthew 8 – Jesus went into the boat and the disciples followed
The disciples faced a storm on another occasion – Jesus had sent the disciples into the boat
God leads us into the storms and trials of life
That we might learn to depend upon Him – to trust Him
Have you ever been in a fearful situation
Example of an overcrowded boat and speedboat
These were experienced fisherman
Yet water was filling the boat – v23
They were in a fearful, lifethreatening situation
Yet Jesus was with them
Jesus was asleep during the storm
He was exhausted from previous days of teaching
He was asleep and at peace
When He wakes – He remains calm, He is not flustered
He rebukes the wind and the waves and they immediately cease
Jesus stands with us in our trials
Nothing is too hard for Him
We can lean upon Him
Source of the storm
Speculation – some say it was demonic
Remember in the story of Job that satan had to ask permission to afflict him
All storms are from the Lord
God is in control of nature
Example of nature in this area of Galillee
Quote from the Prophet Isaiah
We as God’s people can take hold of these promises
Psalm 32:6 – though I may be at breaking point, I will not break
The water was in the boat with the disciples but did not overflow them
No guarantee we will be delivered from every situation
But the situation will not overwhelm us – Christ will be with us
God is dealing with us in our trials
Sometimes we learn more in trials that in Sunday attendance
The boat
13 people in the boat
Other little boats also went out
When did they turn to Jesus?
When the water started to overwhelm them
Why did they not go to Him sooner?
Were these men too confident in their own abilities and only went to Him in their last moment?
This is human nature
We need to turn to God sooner
Do we rely upon ourselves too much?
We need to learn to trust God
Until this point – constant struggle and no prayer
1 Pet 1:6-7 – during trials God wants our faith refined and for us to bring praise, honour and glory to Jesus Christ
It was not enough that the disciples understand who Jesus was, but that they have faith in Him
He addresses the disciples in another storm saying ‘O, you of little faith’
Jesus is asking that we would trust Him
The second occasion of the boat in the storm – Jesus is on the mountain praying, He comes in the fourth watch of the night
Jesus is with them
Sometimes we can ask ‘do you care’
Often we are busy
Martha asked ‘don’t you care”
God does care for His own – He asks us to trust Him
A calm – v24 (a great calm mentioned in the other two gospels)
He can bring a great calm quickly into our lives
We are to learn something precious about Jesus Christ
We are to learn more about Jesus in our trials
The disciples ask ‘who is this?’
Consider the earth (explanation) – He holds all things together
Jesus Christ is the maker of heaven and earth
He is Lord over nature
He is Lord over the demonic realm, death, sickness and all things
We are to learn of His care and power to help
Jesus has gone through all the storms of life
His worst trial was upon the Cross
Quote from Isaiah (x3)
We can trust in Him
Rely upon Him
Closing Remarks