Sowing and Reaping
Bible Text: Galatians 6:1-10 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction
Do you have harvest memories?
God has given the harvest
Harvest seems to be a dying thing
It is good to revive old practices
Sowing and Reaping
The Bible says a lot about sowing and reaping
Promises – Psalm 126:5
Warnings – Hosea 8:7
Laws – 2 Cor 9:6
Looking at v7-8
The law of sowing and reaping
Reading Gal 6:7-8
A direct application to the Christian
Reading Gal 6:9-10
God has fixed laws
Two realms to sowing
Only two results
God has fixed laws
Many immutable laws of physics
God has established laws in the physical world
God has established laws in the moral world
God has set up a law regarding sowing and reaping
Sin – if you sow to sin, to self, to desire
You will reap corruption
God is not mocked (v7)
God sees everything
Do not be deceived
We can be deceived
Consequences of sin
Sow to the spirit of God
Two realms to sowing
You either sow to the flesh or you sow to the Spirit
This passage is directed to Christians
Although they are born again, yet they still struggle with their old nature
Gal 5:16-18
The flesh wars against the Spirit
This passage is also direct to all
Everyone can choose to serve God and honour Him to choose to serve themselves
Sowing to the flesh – Sin
Corruption comes from this – God wants us to sow to the Spirit
Character traits
Sowing to the Spirit
You need the Spirit of God to sow in you
Convicted of sin
Turning bad soil into good, to receive the Word of God
Pointing you to Jesus Christ
You must first believe in Jesus Christ
Have you done this?
You love God
Pleasing God
Seek first the Kingdom of God – what do we prioritise?
Only two results
Sowing to the Flesh – Corruption:
The believer is kept by a loving God – they cannot be lost
They can miss out on so much
Miss out on blessings
Lose our joy in God
Become useless to the church
An unbeliever
Reading Gal 5:19-21
Will not inherit the Kingdom of God
1 Cor 5
Sowing to the Spirit – Everlasting life:
Quantity and quality
Knowing God
The characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit
Reading Gal 5:22
Doctrine should result in a truly glorious life
Closing Remarks
Which is the best life to live?
Think of your soul as a garden
Choose to sow to the Spirit