June 6, 2021

Rewards and Punishment

Passage: Luke 12:41-48
Service Type:


When last looking at this passage (v35-40) – being ready for the return of Jesus Christ

His people are to wait, watch, be vigilant and be ready for the coming of the Lord
Great theological knowledge is no good if you are not living in the light of Christ’s return

Last time we considered the word “blessed” (v37-38)

The master will serve them

Today (v41-48)

Some strong teaching
Blessings and punishment – some graphic language
We must be faithful to the word of God

Considering the themes of rewards and punishment

Rewards (v42-44)
Punishment (v45-48)

Today’s criminal punishment – often light sentencing
Rights vs entitlements
The Bible speaks of privileges and responsibilities, of stewardship, accountability, rewards and punishment

We must not think that good works equals a reward and a profligate life equals punishment

The message of Christianity is that we have all sinned and all need the unmerited grace of God
Yet we know that we must give an account of our life before God

There will be rewards and punishments

God is fair and just

v41 – Peter asks if this parable is to the disciples (or even just the 12 apostles) or all people

v22 – He was previously talking to His disciples
Jesus does not give a yes or no – His response is nuanced
v47 – More would be expected of the disciples that other people
v47 – It applies to the Jews
v44 – It applies to the Gentiles
It applies to all people in different ways


The blessing of faithfulness
The curse of abuse
The degrees of punishment
The requirements of privilege

The Blessing of Faithfulness


Luke 16:1-13, 19:12-27, Matt 25:14-30 – explanation

Jesus often speaks of the master going away and entrusting his servants

v42 – a picture of servants in the household

If they do their duty they will receive privileges
“Blessed” – examples

Have you trusted solely in Jesus?

Are you living for Him and not for self?
Are you seeking first His Kingdom?
Are you trusting in grace?
Do you love the Master?


v32 – He will give us the kingdom
The 12 apostles sitting on 12 thrones
We will judge angels
We will reign with Christ

The Curse of Abuse

A big contrast
Another wicked servant

A cruel and abusive servant
Who lives it up

Who is this speaking about?

A religious person – living a double life
11:39 – explanation

v46 – appointed with the unbelievers

He did not fear God – He was not a believer

Not speaking about a believer – a child of God (who cannot lose their salvation)


Severe language

Cut in two
Assigned a portion with the unbelievers

The Degrees of Punishment

Shocking language in the 21st century
Who is Jesus speaking about?

Believers or unbelievers – note it does not say ‘apportioned with the unbelievers’ (v46)
Don’t get too caught up in the exactitude of the language

Ask if you know God’s will and are you doing it?

v47 – the Jew, v48 – the Gentiles
v47 – those in the Church (who don’t know God) and v48 – those outside the Church
Jesus spoke about those having greater suffering in the judgment

God is a just God

Ask if you have come to Christ?
Ask if you are following God’s word?

Example of Numbers 15
What privilege have we had?

Being brought up in a Christian home?
Being taught the Bible?
Sunday School?

However, we are all responsible for the life we have been given – v48

The Requirements of Privilege

To those who more is given – more will be required
1 Cor 4:2 – Stewards must be found faithful
How will you respond?

Are there sins that need to be confessed?
Do you need to give your life to God?

Oh that we all be faithful and wise stewards and take the warnings of God seriously