May 16, 2021

Revival Blessing

Passage: Ephesians 1:15-23
Service Type:


You are familiar with Eph 1
Paul begins to praise God – reasons
Paul’s prayer – v15

v17 – that we may know Him
v18 – to know the hope to which we have been called


v19 – to know the exceeding greatness of His power

Do you believe this Power?
God is in sovereign control but His Headship is for His Church to be built

Speaking about the 1950’s and 1960’s


Starting in 1910 – 1945
Japan’s persecution of Korea
A 1905 revival in Pouynyang, linked from the 1904/5 revival in Wales

Suppressed in 1910 by Japan
The communists took over in 1945
Civil war 1950 – 1953
Persecution of Christians 1953 – 1958/60
A particular movement of the Holy Spirit – 1967
Continued into the 1970’s

Personally able to visit some of these Korean pastors in 1990’s

Prayer Mountains
The power of the Holy Spirit working in these men
Example – Dr Kim
Their strong conviction
They prayed with confidence and zeal

Visit in 2001

Example of preaching

Europe / Romania

Backslidden state of the church in 1968
Revival broke out in 1-2 years following great prayer
Told to leave the country as the church had grown significantly
His successor was told the same – 1981
Moldova – revival from 1995 to 2001


Some evangelistic meetings – 1937
Not revival but a great sense of God’s presence

The Reverend Glyn owen
Student’s mission in Llanelli in 1945
Open air preaching
Student mission in Bala in 1948

Similar to what happened in the 1904/5 revival

Beddgelert – Aug 2017

The anniversary of the most powerful revival in Wales
Preaching in 1817 – the Spirit of God descended
A very powerful movement of the Spirit affecting North Wales

The site of the old Calvinistic Church and another church – the then vs now

The need in North Wales is very desperate
Yet the Lord Jesus Christ is ruling on His throne


Glyn Owen went to university in 1945
IP Davies
The mission hall in Neath
The Thomas 6/7
The open air meetings


95% of children don’t know Christ
How many evangelicals are there in Wales?

Kilgrin Evangelical Ministers Conference in 1958

Closing Remarks

Eph 1

Our privilege to know the Lord
We have the hope of Christ – the world desperately needs to know
We have the power of Christ at work in us today
Ends about 47m