Revival Blessing (#2)
God invariably works through prayer
The theme of prayer and dependence on God runs through both the Old and New Testament
Prayer is prominent in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ
Acts 2 – the Holy Spirit was poured out following prayer
Many answers to prayer were given in the book of Acts
Example of Park Baptist Church in Merthyr Tydfil
A remarkable work done amongst the young people in the 1950’s – 60’s
A work not dependent on the pastor
We all have an individual responsibility to pray – as the people of Park Baptist did
Lynsey Brown was converted in 1967 amongst a number of children from the estate
Lynsey started a Christian Union and held two early morning prayer meetings (whilst at school)
The Christian Union was reorganised with a reorganisation of the school
Remarkable things happened – many were saved over a brief period of 6 months (up to 250 people)
Lynsey met a number of these people at a EMW Conference
A remarkable work for young people – like John Calvin, William Williams, Daniel Rowlands
My burden is that young people would be raised up – like Daniel in Babylon
We must pray for young people to be saved and to be witnesses to their peers
Personal example in Maesteg
Teaching young people over two summers as a student pastor
I had the conviction that I would pastor there one day – after my training at that same church
A call issued and a ministry begun
250 active members but only 4-5 converted
An utterly confused (and unbelieving) people
The damage wrought by liberal people
Two individuals burdened in prayer
We must not grieve the Spirit but give ourselves to prayer
Behaviour of the congregation towards the pastor
Difficult for 5-6 years
Beginning to hear of people converted in other churches – why not here?
Believing that the Lord can change people – but I struggled and doubted
The EMW Ministers fraternal – a rich fellowship
The teaching of Jesus to the Church of Laodicea
Jesus standing at the edge of the Church
Luke 11 passage during a prayer meeting – v9-11 stood out
I never thought that I could know God like some of these aforementioned people
I was reminded to “ask”, “seek” and “knock”
God will not let us down – in fact He will bless us abundantly
Contacted by a pastor later that evening to engage in prayer
God was there
Back to the big church prayer meeting
A dead prayer meeting …
… but some of the people affected
Over the next 6-9 months – a number were converted including some of the ‘harder’ congregants
God does not send revival often as we cannot handle the mortal strain
Our work in a local house – to 3’000 students
Example of his brother
The Lord worked quite remarkably
Closing Remarks
I hope that I am not just talking about a past era
God is still calling us – knocking on the door of His Church
God will pour out His Spirit if we ask, seek and knock