June 2, 2024

Reprioritising of things – that sanctification leads to service

Passage: 2 Timothy 2:11-26
Service Type:


Title: Reprioritising of things – that sanctification leads to service

Sanctification leads to service, not service to sanctification
In prayer: ‘make me holy’
Works are a by product of our sanctification
If we pursue holiness and sanctification – our out workings will change also

Focusing on the analogy used by Paul about a house – v20-21

Can we be so focused on serving God that sanctification is put to one side
However, if we focus sanctification, the works/fruit will flow from this
When purified, then we will be useful for work

Sanctification – the process of making someone holy and set apart from God

Transformed into conformity with Christ

Sources of sanctification

God’s word – John 17:17, 2 Tim 3:16
God’s Spirit (through prayer) – Luke 11:9-13

We become like things we behold – examples

Obedience and submission


The Unfaithful Servant
The Worker Servant
The Submitting Servant

Setting the scene – Example of a Roman villa with three types of servant

The Unfaithful Servant

Examples: rude, grumbling, cheating
He is nothing like his master

He does not bring honour to his master’s house
He would not be trusted

v19 – believers must depart from inquity
v21 – those who are cleansed are suitable for honourable work

The Worker Servant

Examples: (too) fervent, faultless conduct, high standards, much love for the master

Sometimes they are so busy working, they do not have time to listen to their master – examples
They end up doing their own will rather than there master’s will

The Master desires us to spend time in His presence, in His word and prayer

The Submitting Servant

Examples: they identify with their master, like a shadow, their pleasure is to serve the master, they abide in the presence of their master, they learn from the master, happy to do any job
Such a servant is useful to the master in every way

Example of the Apostles, James, Mary (the brother of Lazarus) – John 12:1-3, 20:14-15

Do we seek to be full of work instead of obedience?

Example of King Saul – 1 Samuel 15:22
Personal example: 5 love languages – God desires relationship with us

Our works come from a strong relationship with God

Example of the Disciples, Jesus, Deacons

Revival is about being Mary’s instead of Martha’s

Works need to come out of relationship – not a cost to it
Prayer is a harbinger of revival
Back to devotion and enjoying God for who He is

Prayer is a work

It can be difficult and a thankless task
Yet it is the greater work
It takes faith, humility, perseverance, being still/tarrying
Example of the apostles – tarrying in prayer for 10 days before Pentecost

We must prioritise time with the Lord

Out of this – our works will be a secondary response
Example of the disciples – unlearned men spending time with Jesus

We need the Holy Spirit to sanctify us again and breathe into us

Example of wild fires – the power of prayer

Out of abiding with God – the works will flow
Prioritise your relationship/time with God