Old Llantrisant Hill
- Many divisions in the world
- The solution is not just to sit at the peace table - confidence in human nature can be misplaced
- Reconciliation of enemies: Jew and Gentile
- Reconciliation with God
Reconciled with God (v11-13)
- The Gentiles were far off from God
- In Christ they have been brought near
- In Christ they have been brought into fellowship
- v11-12 remind us of all the barriers to coming to faith
- Enmity with the Jews
- Gentiles: Dogs, unclean, outside of our community, not following our rituals, not circumcised
- Jews: Proud of the fact they followed Abraham and very circumcised
- Jews: What mattered was there birth and religion
- Jesus came first to the Jews
- Gentiles: prided themselves on their sophistication
- A huge barrier between Jew and Gentile
- Lack many opportunities to know God
- Outside of Christ
- No knowledge of the promised Messiah - they worshiped idols
- Aliens from the commonwealth of Israel
- God chose Israel
- God raised up Abraham and through him made a great nation
- The Gentiles were outside this covenant community
- A few Gentiles (Rahab, Ruth, Nyman and others came under God) - but only a few
- Those outside of Israel had very little knowledge of Jehovah
- Rom 11:24 - the gentiles had to be grafted in
- Strangers of the covenants of promise
- The Law given to Moses
- Promises given to David of a Messiah
- The Gentiles knew nothing about this
- They were without God and without hope
- They were totally ignorant of the true God
- They were cut off in their sins
- They were blinder by Satan
- What barriers to the faith exist today?
- The holier than thou attitude of some who despise others (rather than recognising their own sin)
- Little knowledge of the Bible
- People feel like aliens/strangers when they come to church
- People are without hope
- People need to be reconciled with God (v13)
- In Christ Jesus
- Brought near by the blood of Christ
- Do you have peace with God?
- Are you reconciled to Him?
- Do you have forgiveness of your sin?
- God desires that none should perish - you need to take the step and come to God
- It is not the preacher that speaks but Christ (v17)
- Be reconciled to God
Reconciled to One Another (v14-18)
- Reconciliation to God enables reconciliation to each other
- We are united in the Church of God
- There is no distinction (v18) - both have access to the Father
- There should be no human traits that came in to spoil our relationships
- There should be no division, groups or sides
- We are all one in Christ
- We endeavour to keep the bond of unity in Christ
- Secondary issues must be secondary
- The gospel must be held high
- Paul challenged Peter over his behaviour
- We must accept one another fully
- He Himself is our peace (v14)
- Jesus is our peace
- Jesus has broken down the middle wall of separation
- Jesus took away enmity (v15)
- Breaking the ceremonial law that was clung to and misunderstood by the Jews
- Just a shadow that would point in Christ
- Both Jews and Gentiles would know peace with God
- We are one nation
- We are friends
- Hymn from Charles Wesley
- In revival the true people of God worship together and all the distinctions fall away
- 1 Cor 12:12-13
- We must emphasise that things that unite us, not the things that divide
- Jesus has reconciled us to Himself