May 23, 2021

Ready for His Return

Passage: Luke 12:35-40
Service Type:


Last week we looked at ‘do not worry’
This week – Jesus begins to speak about His return
Reading of Luke 12:35-48

Short Prayer
Last week – Jesus told a parable about being ready
Now Jesus speaks in a different way about being ready – to His disciples (v22)

They are to be looking, waiting and watching
Blessed is the one who is ready – v37 & v38
If you had 24 hours to live – would you be ready?

Other passages of scripture also speak of being ready

Mark 13:33-37

Are you sleeping?
Do you need to wake up?
Are you seeking first the kingdom of God

2 Peter 3:11-13

The world is transient – what sort of person will you be?
Do you long for the new heaven and the new earth

Looking at v35-40

What does it mean to be ready?
What are the rewards of being ready?
What is the necessity of being ready?

What does it mean to be ready?

Jesus gives a picture of a wedding …

The custom was for the wedding to occur at night with 7 days of feasting
The servants would have everything prepared
Blessed are the servants when the master finders them ready
… An image of servants being ready
Similar to the parable of the wise and foolish virgins

What about us?

Do we look for His glorious appearing?

Not to be too heavenly minded to be of no earthly use
Though ultimately our eyes are not on this earth
Phil 3:20

Do we eagerly await the coming of Christ?

What does it mean?

To live a life not concerned about what others would think
Fearing God rather than fearing man
Confessing the Lord Jesus – v8-11
Having a light hold on the things we possess
To seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
To live an encumbered life – Heb 12:1-2

What is stopping you from freely worshiping the Lord
Is there a besetting sin that dominates your life?

We need the help of God to live a life that is ready

What are the rewards of being ready?

Is it too much to think of a reward?

Col 3:23

v37 – the Master / Jesus will serve us

Luke 22:27 – Jesus is one who serves
Will you be in this number?
Example of John Blanchard

v37/38 – blessed will be the servants
Will you receive a reward for being ready?

Have you been entrusted with privilege and responsibility – are you undertaking these activities?
1 Thess 5:4,9-11

What is the necessity of being ready?


Example of theft

The New Testament tells us to read the signs of the times
Jesus tells us to be ready at any time / now

We must examine ourselves and ask are we true children of God
Example of missing things – but we cannot miss the Day of the Lord

Other scriptures:

1 Thess 5:6-8
When Christ returns – what will you be doing?
Rom 13:11-14
Eph 5
Rev 16:19

When Christ returns, may you be ready