Psalm 73
We will be looking at someone who went through tremendous doubt
Does that sound familiar to you?
It has been a struggle through lockdown
The fear of contracting covid and its consequences
Imposition of laws
War and conflict in Ukraine
These things can come upon pus and challenge our confidence in God
Such was the situation in Psalm 73
He was overwhelmed as he looked around himself
This psalm is a confirmation that there will be difficult times in the life of a believer
Difficult periods can strengthen us
Example of washing powder
The psalmist has confidence in God – v1,28
There are two main points:
The right place to doubt (v2-16)
Finding the right answers (v17ff)
The right place to doubt (v2-16)
Doubt is real – this was a time of tremendous struggle for the psalmist
Envy of those around him who were prospering (v3)
Those who rejected God had brilliant lives
He was grieved (v21)
The psalmist struggled with the thought that those who were not following God had a better life
He looks out at the external world and almost finds his life with God meaningless (v13)
He sees surface details and sees nothing wrong (v4-5)
He sees those who have plenty (v7)
He looked around and saw confusion
He looks inside himself
The world tells us if we want answers we need to look inside ourselves
Jeremiah tells us the heart is deceitfully wicked
He became like a beast before God, forgetting who he was (v21-22)
Explanation of persuasive individualism
It was not until he looked up – that he found truth (v17)
Only when he went into the sanctuary of God
It was not until he drew near to God that he found truth
God accepts doubters and draws them into truth
The psalmist does not find truth until he engages with God in personal prayer
We need to be gracious with those who are going through doubt/struggle
Job 6:26
Don’t jump on every word that is said – it is wind, let them blow
Finding the right answers (v17ff)
God’s covenant love for His people (v23)
God is holding the psalmist’s hand
Even though the psalmist is struggling – God is holding him
We will never be separated from His love
Quote from song
If you struggle with doubt – Satan will remind us of our guilt and weakness
We know that God’s covenant love has covered us with forgiveness and grace
Quote from ‘Before the Throne of God above’
A true perspective (v17)
Before coming into the temple – the psalmist has been looking at the world around, now he looked up to God
The utter fragility of life (v18)
Two certainties – taxes and death
Example of memorials
We must live in the reality of this (Psalm 90)
Reading v18-20
The person who lives only for this world will lose everything
The future of the believer (v24)
All this world and glory to come
1 Peter 1:3-6
Wise and mature Christian’s think
God is his portion (v26)