Psalm 22
- Any passage of Scripture is God breathed and approachable
- Certain passages of Scripture need to be approached with carefulness
- E.g. Passages that focus on the sufferings of Jesus
- Psalm 22 is one of those passages
- A depth to this psalm
- The very real historical context:
- The trials of King David that might lead to his death
- Emotional and psychological suffering
- Possibly when King Saul and enemy were pursuing David
- We can apply the psalm today
- [The main context:] The death of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The psalm see-saws between:
- 3 cries of real, raw feelings
- 3 answers of faith
I am Abandoned
- Most of us will face experiences that will cause us to cry out (v1-2)
- Why?
- "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" - Jesus cried out on the cross
- We have a Saviour that understands everything we go through
- In the darkness of David's situation, he feels that God has abandoned/deserted him
- Have we ever felt like this?
- Do we feel that there is no answer and that the situation is not changing?
- Jesus literally went though a time of darkness
- He cried out to God
- He felt abandoned
- He can sympathise with us
- How can Jesus be forsaken?
- We are dealing with limited truths that we cannot understand
- In Jesus' death He was becoming a substitute for our sin - for all His people
- This was required to satisfy God's justice
- 2 Cor 5:21
- Example of a breakdown in communication
- In a sense we are reading about a breakdown in communication between the Father and the Son [due to sin]
- An answer in Scripture by the voice of faith (v3-5)
- We may feel at our lowest point that God is not there - but He is always there
- The bond of love within the Godhead could never be broken
- God is there (v3-5)
- Have you known this reality in life's experience?
- During these times we must walk by faith and not be sight
I am Despised
- I am despised (v6-8)
- No lower creature than a worm - you must feel pretty despised/low to feel like this
- In one sense, we are a very low creature, but not unimportant
- God lifts us to see an answer
- Christ was despised
- He became a reproach to men
- Isa 53:2-3
- The same people who a few days earlier had hailed Him as the 'King of Kings' - some of these were now crying out crucify Him
- Christ was ridiculed (v7-8)
- The soldiers mocked Jesus
- The crowd mocked
- Matt 27:39
- The poured scorn on Jesus in addition to the physical punishment
- The pharisees quoted Scripture in their opposition to Jesus
- Matt 27:41-43 cf v8
- Though we have not suffered as Christ
- We have likely been despised
- There is world wide persecution of Christian
- We are blessed when we are reviled and persecuted - Matt 5:11-12
- Faith answers (v9-11)
- David remembers how God has not only been there for him but has cared for him
- God has sovereignly cared for us
- We matter to God
- Can we doubt this care when we see what He has given to us
- Our life
- Family and friends
- Provisions from God - food, housing
- The availability of God's word
- The Lord Jesus had known God's care in His life
- Think of King Herod - God stepped in
- Do we realise the lengths that God has gone to, to save us?
- Gal 2:20
I am Destroyed
- Jesus felt that His body was being destroyed (v12-18)
- The enemy is described as strong bulls and dogs
- Jesus was being poured out as a drink offering (v14)
- His bones were out of joint
- His heart seemed to melt with fear
- The piercing of the hands and feet - foretold accurately in the Psalms (v16)
- No broken bones - foretold accurately in the Psalms (v17)
- The casting of lots for Jesus' clothes - foretold accurately in the Psalms (v18)
- Dehydration and thirst - foretold accurately in the Psalms (v15)
- Jesus cried out "It is finished"
- Not a personal cry - a cry of faith
- The answer of faith is that God saves (v21)
- Christ was raised from the dead
- "It is finished" - God's work has been accomplished
- A cry of triumph and not of despair
- The reality of salvation even in the midst of trial and suffering
- God saves
- David had physical deliverance from his enemies
- We are under spiritual death and require Salvation from Jesus Christ
- We must trust in the Lord Jesus
- Acts 4:12
- David praises God (v22)
- Heb 2 - Jesus leads His people to God's throne
- Salvation is for all people (v30-31)
- "That He has done this" - 'It is finished'
- Look to Jesus today and be saved
Closing Remarks