July 7, 2024

Pruning – God’s loving discipline

Passage: John 15:2, Psalm 32
Service Type:


Reading v2
The secret of the Christian life is to keep our eyes on Jesus

He is King and the one who reigns
Is our confidence in Jesus Christ?
It is Jesus Christ who rules and reigns

John 15 – remaining in Christ

"Abide in the Vine" – continue in Him

Not fits/starts, hot/cold
Steadfast in the faith
All eyes on Jesus

"Without Me you can do nothing"

Have we really though about that?
We must depend on Jesus and not ourselves

John 5:19, 30 – Jesus does nothing of Himself (but by His Father)

‘I have such a close bond with My Father I do nothing independent of Him’
He never acted independently of His Father
If this is true of Jesus Christ – how much more should it be true of us?

What happens when we go astray?

God in His mercy comes after us


God disciplines us in love

v2 – image of pruning: sharp, clean cuts
To bear fruit
This is painful for us at times


The Place of Correction
The Pain of Correction
The Purpose of Discipline

The Place of Correction

It occurs within the family

A child needs discipline – examples
It must take place where a child is loved and cherished

What about the family of God?

He will discipline us
Hebrews 12:7-9

Discipline only applies to the children of God
Do you know God’s chastening in your life?

Within the family from a loving heavenly Father

The Pain of Correction

Heb 12:11
Discipline is not easy

It is used by God to bring fruit and righteousness

David suffered the chastening hand of God

On several occasions but especially after the incident with Bathsheba
Psalm 32:3-4

He knew his sin was grave – but would not confess it
It physically affected him
Ps 39:9-11,13

God loves to forgive

Ps 32:5, 1-2
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from every sin – if you confess and repent and come to the cross

God does not take pleasure in discipline

We should learn from discipline/correction – examples
David knew the chastening of the Lord
Example – A chastening look from Jesus to Peter

How we respond is so important

Heb 12:5, 3 – do not despise chastening or be discouraged
Heb 5:8 – Jesus learned obedience
Heb 2:10 – through His sufferings Jesus became perfect
Are we rebellious?
Do we receive it … to follow God?

The Purpose of Discipline

Example of Jonah
The purpose:

Is to entreat our hearts
To produce fruit in our lives
That we might be a blessing to others
v2 – to bear more fruit (like Jesus)

God does not act in vengence

God does not act like a human Father
His discipline never flows from anger but always from love

Heb 12:10-11 – that we might partake of His holiness

Closing Remarks

Only a child of God receives loving discipline

An unbeliever will only know God as judge of their sin

Jesus asks you to come to Him, believe in Him, abide in Him
Come to Jesus
Accept the loving discipline of God and produce peaceable fruits of righteousness