Prepared for Future Service
Prepared for Future Service
Sometimes there are mysteries in life – Example of Manuel – a life of complete service
Whilst we are still here – there is something for us to do
For Joseph to be prepared – he had to go through humiliation – in prison
God was building character
13 years away from his family and fellowship
Yet God would raise him up to be governor of all of Egypt
God prepares us
Through our failures and victories
Sometimes it takes a lifetime of preparation to do something significant
Example of over 70’s
Example of Moses, Joshua, Caleb – they knew times of preparation
God grows His people – often through tests
Example of Abraham – many tests
What about Joseph?
He became governor of Egypt at 30 years old
How many years did he spend in Potiphar’s house? – probably 10 years
How many years did he spend in prison?
He was sold into slavery at 17 – then he became governor of Egypt at 30
How God prepared Joseph for future usefulness
How God prepares us for future usefulness
How God prepared Joseph for future usefulness
He had learnt early on it was better to trust God than man
His faith was firmly in the living God
His brothers had betrayed him
Potiphar though initially favouring him, betrayed him
He was learning not to trust in men
People saw that God was with Joseph
Potiphar and the keeper of the prison saw God was with Joseph – Gen 39:3, 23
Pharaoh saw the Spirit of God in Joseph (v38)
Godly character has to be noticed
Do people see God in us?
Joseph is a great challenge to us
God is always preparing His people through what they are going through
Personal example
God’s timing is perfect
God sends dreams to Pharaoh
The butler remembers Joseph
Joseph tells Pharaoh it is God who gives an answer (v15-16)
Confidence in God
Willing to give solutions (v33-36)
Knowledge – he has revelation from God
He knows how to apply this knowledge
Joseph being prepared by God
How God prepares us for future usefulness
What is God preparing us to do?
We are new creations – prepared for good works to walk in
He will use our giftings (and our failures)
Example of Colonel Sanders and Fred Orr
Age is no barrier to God
Example of grandparents and Timothy
There are no many Josephs or Daniels – but there are often background people – examples of Jewish servant, Barnabas
God can use us in the situations we are in
1 John 5:4-5
If we are in Christ – there is no telling what could be done
Joseph is in prison – but overcomes
Quote from Dr Lloyd-Jones
The secret of Joseph was the secret of his faith
Abraham had faith
James 1:2-4
Joseph is a wonderful example but not as much as Christ
God is preparing us now for more things in His Kingdom