Preaching in Antioch Pisidia
Bible Text: Psalm 126:1-6, Acts 13:13-41 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction
Last week
Paul and Barnabas on the island of Cyprus
Set out for their first mission – set apart by the laying on of hands
Opposed by Satan
God worked wonders through Paul
The governor was converted
v13 – they set sail from Paphos
They move North
They come to Perga in Pamphylia
John Mark departs from them
They go to Antioch in Pisidia
3,600ft above sea level
Considering the sermon Paul preaches
The leader of the synagogue gives opportunity for them to speak
God has gone before them
They are trusting God to open doors
We must be people of faith and trust in God to open doors
Focusing on v26
Reading Acts 13:26
He preaches the death and resurrection of Christ
Recounting biblical history
All leading to a message of Salvation
Invitation and warning
Recounting biblical history
Paul does not use any illustrations or contemporary ‘hooks’ – he explains the history as would be known to the religious people gathered
God has led him in this way
He is establishing common ground with his hearers
The Exodus
The wilderness years
The conquering of the land
The Judges
The Kings
To Jesus Christ and John the Baptist
He is exalting God
Biblical history is all about what God has done
What relevance does this passage/sermon have to us?
Do not treat it lightly – pray for understanding
What does it say about God?
He has an electing love and He has chosen a people for Himself – v17
He is long-suffering and patient – v18
He is powerful and invincible – v19
He is a God of order – v19
He is kind and provides – v20
He respects the choice of His people – v21
but over-rules for their good – v22
Paul has shown that Biblical History is all about God’s action for a purpose
The Saviour would come from David’s seed
The prophecies of 2 Samuel
John the Baptist
Paul is letting the word of God speak for itself
It is not about our persuasiveness
It is not about our power but the power of the word of God
All leading to a message of Salvation
A Saviour – v23 / the word of salvation – v26
Paul speaks first of the cross – v28
He reminds the Jews how they rejected and condemned Jesus
It is a fulfillment of Scripture
Paul speaks of the resurrection – v29
A great emphasis on this than the cross
God raised Him from the dead – v30
He did not see corruption – v37
He was seen by many witnesses – v31
Good news – v32
Quotes from the Old Testament – v33-35 (Ps 2:7, Isa 55:3, Ps 16:10)
Gospel preaching
Paul twice gives his testimony, but gospel preaching …
… is speaking about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
An incontrovertible truth
Invitation and warning
Not an abstract message – but it is for them
v32, 33, v38
If you do not know the Lord – this message is for you
Do you believe in Jesus Christ – His death and resurrection?
The Doctrine of Justification – v38-9
A wonderful message
A warning
A frightening thing to hear
Do not despise the Son of God
Consider your own heart
Closing Remarks