Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last week
- Paul and Barnabas on the island of Cyprus
- Set out for their first mission - set apart by the laying on of hands
- Opposed by Satan
- God worked wonders through Paul
- The governor was converted
- v13 - they set sail from Paphos
- They move North
- They come to Perga in Pamphylia
- John Mark departs from them
- They go to Antioch in Pisidia
- Considering the sermon Paul preaches
- The leader of the synagogue gives opportunity for them to speak
- God has gone before them
- They are trusting God to open doors
- We must be people of faith and trust in God to open doors
- Focusing on v26
- Reading Acts 13:26
- He preaches the death and resurrection of Christ
- Overview:
- Recounting biblical history
- All leading to a message of Salvation
- Invitation and warning
Recounting biblical history
- Paul does not use any illustrations or contemporary 'hooks' - he explains the history as would be known to the religious people gathered
- God has led him in this way
- He is establishing common ground with his hearers
- The Exodus
- The wilderness years
- The conquering of the land
- The Judges
- The Kings
- To Jesus Christ and John the Baptist
- He is exalting God
- Biblical history is all about what God has done
- What relevance does this passage/sermon have to us?
- Do not treat it lightly - pray for understanding
- What does it say about God?
- He has an electing love and He has chosen a people for Himself - v17
- He is long-suffering and patient - v18
- He is powerful and invincible - v19
- He is a God of order - v19
- He is kind and provides - v20
- He respects the choice of His people - v21
- but over-rules for their good - v22
- Paul has shown that Biblical History is all about God's action for a purpose
- The Saviour would come from David's seed
- The prophecies of 2 Samuel
- John the Baptist
- Paul is letting the word of God speak for itself
- It is not about our persuasiveness
- It is not about our power but the power of the word of God
All leading to a message of Salvation
- A Saviour - v23 / the word of salvation - v26
- Paul speaks first of the cross - v28
- He reminds the Jews how they rejected and condemned Jesus
- It is a fulfillment of Scripture
- Paul speaks of the resurrection - v29
- A great emphasis on this than the cross
- God raised Him from the dead - v30
- He did not see corruption - v37
- He was seen by many witnesses - v31
- Good news - v32
- Quotes from the Old Testament - v33-35 (Ps 2:7, Isa 55:3, Ps 16:10)
- Gospel preaching
- Paul twice gives his testimony, but gospel preaching ...
- ... is speaking about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- An incontrovertible truth
Invitation and warning
- Not an abstract message - but it is for them
- v32, 33, v38
- If you do not know the Lord - this message is for you
- Do you believe in Jesus Christ - His death and resurrection?
- The Doctrine of Justification – v38-9
- A wonderful message
- A warning
- v40-41
- A frightening thing to hear
- Do not despise the Son of God
- Consider your own heart
Closing Remarks