Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last week we looked at the seal of the Holy Spirit
- This was not the only experience we would receive from God
- Paul's prayer - Eph 3:14-21
- To know the love of Christ - the first prayer of Paul
- This was a circular letter
- The other churches must have been very encouraged by his prayers
- Paul's ceaseless prayers must have been an encouragement
- A great power and example in this
- They would have been stirred up to prayer
- Paul's prayers would have reminded them of his love towards them
What motivates his prayer?
- Therefore - in the light of all the spiritual truths that Paul has been speaking about
- The elect of God
- The adopted of God
- Redeemed by the blood of Christ
- Sealed by the Holy Spirit
- You were once pagans and idolators
- Christ has chose you before the foundation of the world
- 2 Thess 2:13 - Chosen for salvation
- There is nothing more thrilling than genuine faith
- We give thanks to God for this
- "Heard of your faith"
- Is this talking about their saving faith or their ongoing walk of faith?
- Paul is hearing reports about the Christians in Ephesus
- Both that they are Christians and that they are going on in the Lord
- Their if fruit in their lives
- They really do love one another
- It is a tremendous encouragement to hear of the genuine faith in others
- There is real faith which motivates Paul's prayer
- Discouragement makes prayer difficult
- Think of the Corinthians
- 1 Thess 3:8
- Example of Christmas Evans
- Love and unity stirs you up to prayer
- We need to be a vital church
- Rom 1:8
- 1 Thess 1:8
- Faith and love are the two great characteristics of the Christian
- We are saved by faith
- Real faith produces fruit, namely love
- Paul says of the Ephesians that they had love for all the saints
- Why?
- How much does God bear with you and me?
- God loves us despite our failings
- Love covers over a multitude of sins
- Love thinks no evil
- "Judge not, lest you be judged"
- Speaking the truth in love
What is the spirit of his prayer?
- Ceaseless and thankful prayer (v16)
Ceaseless Prayer
- It seems that he never tired of praying for them
- Paul had a real spirit of prayer
- Example of Christmas Evans - the secret is prayer
- Example of Portuguese Minister
- Paul didn't just pray for the Ephesians
Thankful Prayer
- Bringing glory to God
- Forever thanking God for them
- Do we begin prayer and continue prayer with thanksgiving?
How does he begin his prayer?
- He lifts up his mind and heart to God (v17)
- He knows he must come through Jesus
- Example of Lloyd-Jones
- Sometimes we can rush into the presence of God
- There is nothing wrong with arrow prayers
- Father - intimacy
- Is there anything in posture?
- We ought to bow our hearts before God
- On his knees (Eph 3:14)
- Prayer is to the Father through the Lord Jesus and by the [Holy] Spirit
- All the wonderful truths and doctrines of God should fuel our prayer
- We should read our bibles and mediate on His truths before we come to prayer
- When we hear news of other Christians
- "I also" (v15)
- There are others praying
- Maybe Epaphras (Col 4:12)
- Let us be part of the 'also'