Old Llantrisant Hill
- A letter written by Paul primarily to Philemon but also to a local house church
- The name Philemon means affection
- This letter is about forgiveness and restoration
- The tone of the the letter is uplifting and encouraging
Setting the scene
- Onesimus was a slave and belonged to Philemon
- We will look at slavery in a later sermon
- Paul is writing from house arrest in Rome
- He is not downtrodden but praying regularly
- Philemon had a house church
- Philemon was converted through Paul's ministry
- Paul preached the gospel to Onesimus and he was saved
- In God's providence Onesimus makes his way to Rome and ends up meeting Paul
- Paul sends Onesimus back to Philemon
- Paul writes a very tactful letter to Philemon to restore him
- V1-7
- The blessings of fellowship
- We should pray that we know a depth and richness of fellowship
Paul a prisoner
- Paul is a prisoner of Jesus Christ, of the sovereign God and is content to be in his current situation
- Fellowship is unaffected by circumstances
- His fellowship with other Christians is not affected in anyway
- How would we be if our freedom was taken away?
- His fellowship is enhanced because he has known the blessings of suffering
The warmth of his heart
- Paul was an aged man
- He is including Timothy as his brother / our brother
- Philemon is a beloved friend and labourer
- The beloved Apphia and Archippus (Col 4:17)
- Do we refer to our Christian brothers and do sisters as beloved?
- Do we value our Christian friends?
- Paul includes others in the letter because he trusts these Philemon, he knows they are God's people, they are welcoming and hospitable
- The scriptures talk about a new commandment of brotherly love
- Love never fails
- He greets them with grace and peace from God and Jesus
- He recognises this is more that horizontal relationships but the vertical also
- He is taken up with his Father and The Lord Jesus Christ
Paul's prayer (v4)
- He prays for his friends and the saints
- Fellowship is strengthened by prayer
- Prayer life us up and encourages us
- What he prays
- He prays for the ministry of Philemon and that others might be saved through this
- He has heard of Philemon's love and faith
- This love is towards all the saints
- Do people see this about us?
- Love covers over a multitude of sins - though some sins will still need dealing with
- Faith towards the saints speaks of good relationships, of trust, of openness, of transparency, of inclusion
The hearts of the saints have been encouraged (v7)
- How often do we look at the hearts of our brothers?
- Philemon's faith was refreshing others
- Do we bring encouragement to others?
Paul gets to the heart of the matter (v8-10)
- Paul builds up Philemon first
- How do you think Philemon felt?
- How would you feel if someone close to you had stolen from you?
- Hurt, wounded, upset, resentment, bitterness
- This was treated very seriously in Rome
- Some would received corporal punishment or be executed
- Paul wants Philemon to know that Onesimus has become a Christian
- He has found his way to Rome and found Paul out of 850'000 people
- Paul is asking if Philemon will restore him
- Now is a time to forgive and to reconcile
- Are there people we need to reconcile with?
- Are there people we need to forgive?
- When fellowship has been broken there needs to be restoration, which begins with forgiveness